If changes are made to a Proposal Approval Form (PAF) after your unit approval or if other circumstances change prior to submission to sponsor, any Reviewer in the Administration Home chain (School/ department/ division of the administrative home department ID) can use the Remove Approvals activity to remove unit approval(s) and return the PAF to the state of "Unit Review."
To request an amendment to an active subcontract agreement (SUBK), the project team requests and submits a SUBK amendment.
The Amendment Request Form can be created, edited, and submitted by: Project Team members with edit rights to the Award (includes Principal Investigators and any administrative personnel listed on the Award); Approvers and Reviewers from the awards’s Administrative Home; and if applicable, a Managing PI or Managing Department Administrator, and the Managing Department's Approvers and Approvers.
The Request Action process is used to request that Office of Research and Sponsored Projects (ORSP) take action on a processing or active Award. Request Action can be completed from the Award (AWD) workspace by Principal Investigators (PIs), Sponsor PIs, Primary Post-Award Contacts, Administrative Personnel, and Approvers in the Administrative Home roll-up. The request will go to the PI and departments with automated routing for signatures.
ORSP can Request Export Control Review on an Award based on their review of the Award and other applicable factors. The Request Export Control Review activity is available in all states and can be used multiple times, as needed.
Role: ORSP > Award workspace
If the Project Team answers either "Yes" or "Unsure" to the Proposal Approval Form (PAF) question, “Does the research project involve classified research or possible export controls?”, an export control review will automatically be requested.
Hardship Request:
Hardships can only be requested by the U-M PI, Primary Research Administrator, and Reviewers from the Administrative Home Department, up until an Award is created.
Hardships need to be created, signed by the U-M PI, and then routed for approval in eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM).
Hardship Review:
To request an amendment to an Active Technology Control Plan (TCP), the project team requests and submits a TCP amendment. An amendment can be requested for changes regarding a Time Extension, Research Personnel, to Update IT Security, Physical Security/Locations, or to Update Scope of Work.
The TCP Amendment can be edited/completed by: Project Team members (UFA Personnel) with edit rights to the TCP; Export Control Office (ECO).
After routing the TCP to the Export Control Office (ECO), the ECO will review it and determine if changes are needed. If a change is needed, the PI/Project Team will need to respond to the requested changes. This procedure contains instructions for making or declining changes requested by the ECO.
The PI and Project Team members will receive an email requesting changes. The TCP will be in the state of "ECO Review – Personnel Making Changes".
eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM) Version 5.3 - May 6, 2019
This document outlines the compliance changes occurring in the PAF Section 5 for Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) Approval, as well as updates to Export Controls/Classified Research.
In the Proposal Approval Form (PAF), changes are reflected in Section 5 - Research Activity, the PAF Summary, and in the Update Research Activity.
Certain U.S. Federal Government agencies may include Risk Mitigation (Research Security) requirements in sponsored project agreements/amendments that require Research Security Information Oversight to review and take action prior to U-M Office of Research and Sponsored Projects (ORSP) acceptance of these agreements/amendments.
eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM) is used to communicate and track requests, responses, reviews, records, and documents related to sponsor-initiated Risk Mitigation (Research Security) requirements and concerns.