
Overview The Return Signed Contract activity is available in the state of "Awaiting PI Signature." It allows all Award Editors and Reviewers of the Administrative Home chain to return the Award (AWD) or Award Modification (AWD-MOD) to ORSP for processing and includes the ability to upload a PDF of the signed award agreement. Navigation Role: PI & Project Team > Home workspace Awards tab > Award (AWD) / Award Modification (AWD-MOD) workspace OR eRPM email notification link to AWD/AWD-MOD.
Overview After a Technology Control Plan (TCP) Amendment has been requested and submitted, it can be reviewed by the Export Control Office (ECO) to determine if changes are needed, if it can be sent to Project Team personnel for signature/approval, or if it should be cancelled. After a TCP Amendment has obtained all the required signatures, the ECO office can then complete a TCP Amendment. Navigation Role: Export Control > Home Workspace (My Home) > ECA Inbox tab
Overview Refer to the Agreement Acceptance Process for a description of the terms that require review and approval by various parties, including Unit Reviewers. The steps for the PI to review and sign an Agreement Acceptance Request are listed below. Navigation Role: PI & Project Team > Home Workspace
Overview Unfunded Agreements (UFAs) submitted in eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM) will automatically route to the appropriate parties for review based on the Agreement Category. If Unit Approval is required, it will route to the Contact PI’s Administrative Home indicated before routing to the Central Office. Important Information
Overview In the state of Unit Review, a Reviewer or a Reviewer Who Can Sign (Approver) can make and submit their own changes or request that the project team make and submit the changes. When a Reviewer submits a change, a notification is sent the Principal Investigator (PI), Primary Research Administrator, and the email notification contact for departments who have already approved the PAF. When a Reviewer requests a change, a notification is sent the PI and Primary Research Administrator.
Overview Your Home Workspace is your launch pad for eResearch Proposal Management. It allows you to:
Overview If the named Post-Award Contact or Additional Contact creates the Award Change Request (ACR), then they can route the ACR, as can Approvers of the Administrative Home chain, via the Route for Approval activity.  Award Change Requests created by someone other than the named Post-Award Contact need to be routed for approval via the Route to Post Award Contacts activity. If changes were requested and made, then the Project Team can submit the changes via the Project Team Submit Changes activity.
Overview When you are ready to send the PAF to the units for review, use the Route for Approval activity. Based on the information provided in the PAF, the system determines which departments the submission should be routed to for review. Important Information
Overview This procedure demonstrates how to search for an electronic Research Administration Commons ID, referred to as eRA Commons ID, affiliated with the University of Michigan. Note If you do not have a Commons ID, or need to affiliate it to U-M, please submit a request to the Office of Research and Sponsored Projects (ORSP). For additional questions, contact [email protected].
Overview This guide provides information for the Security Reviewer Role Home Workspace and instructions for updating and completing a Security Review. Home Workspace Field Description This section provides a description of the tabs and fields on the Home Workspace for Security Reviewers.