
Overview After ORSP has completed their review of an Award or an Award Modification, they can route the Award (or Award Modification) to the Office of Contracts Administration (OCA) for processing. The Send for Contract Processing activity is available in the state of "Initial Award Processing." An activity is available under Manage Data on Award and Award Modification workspaces to print a Cover Page to place on top of a printed contract package. Navigation Role: ORSP > Award (or Award Modification) workspace
Overview As of eRPM Version 5.2, Awards have the ability to be linked by relating Award records.
Overview Beginning with eRPM Release 5.2, Awards will have the ability to be linked by relating award records. Example: Holding Accounts and Masters with money. The first Award in this series usually has a ceiling or cap amount dictated by the sponsor but will not necessarily have any money allocated for it. Instead, separate proposals are routed then awarded from this pot of money. In this case the first Award would be flagged by ORSP or Sponsored Programs as a Parent AWD. See the Set Subproject Relationship Diagram at the end of this procedure.
Overview The Sign Award Record activity allows the Principal Investigator (PI) and all U-M Investigators to sign the award record. Awards Documents Awaiting PI Signature and/or Award Record(s) Not Yet Signed by All Investigators will be listed on the Awards tab of the Home workspace. The activity will be available on the Award workspace if a new investigator is added at the time of award.
Overview Important All U-M Investigators listed on a PAF are required to complete the Sign PAF activity, and an investigator must have completed their annual M-Inform disclosure before they can complete the Sign PAF activity. The Sign PAF activity can be accessed in either of the following two ways:
Overview Space requirements for U-M Principal Investigators, U-M Sponsor Principal Investigators, and Participating Investigators with Specified Effort is entered in PAF question 4.1 Required Space. This information can be updated by the Project Team as needed. Only investigators with the roles above entered in question 2.3 UM Investigators will display in the Required Space table.
Overview If you have outside institutions that are going to be a subcontract on your proposal, and you are submitting S2S (system to system), it is not necessary to enter all of their budgets onto your SF424 forms. It is as easy as downloading a zip file and sending out a PDF form for your subcontracting institution to fill out and return.  You will then use the Import Subaward activity to attach the completed PDF.
Overview If an Award or Award Modification (Change) requires ancillary review, committee members will receive an email notification from eRPM indicating the need to review. Awards and Award Modifications awaiting review will display in the Home workspace for Ancillary Reviewers. From there, you can click on the applicable award to open the award/modification workspace. When the review is complete, use the appropriate activity in eRPM to submit your ancillary review.
Overview If changes to the Award are routed to ORSP, the Awards Inbox will display Awards in the State of "Changes Requested." Change Requests are displayed on the Activity Log tab of the Award workspace. Once you have reviewed the requested changes, use Edit Award Worksheet to make changes to the award information and Submit Changes to return the Award to OCA, SSC, or Sponsored Programs for processing. Navigation Role: ORSP > My Home
Overview If an Award or Award Modification requires ancillary review, COI Staff will receive an email notification from eRPM indicating the need for COI review. COI Administration Records (CARs) in M-Inform will be updated in a nightly process with Award reference information. Awards and Award Modifications awaiting review will display in the eRPM Home workspace for Ancillary Reviewers. From there, you can click on the applicable award to open the award/modification workspace.