
Overview This procedure details how the PI & Project Team can: Make and Submit PAF Changes Decline Requested PAF Changes Request ORSP Action to Make Changes Important Information
Overview PAF Query allows you to search across all Proposal Approval Forms (PAF) with options to search by PAF ID, Title, and Award ID. This procedure demonstrates how to search for an Award using PAF Query search and the All My Awards tab. Note You must have a Reviewer role to view the PAF Query tab. Navigation Role: Reviewer > Search
Overview At the top of a PAF Workspace above the tabs, a Status Map displays colored symbols and statuses to indicate a PAF’s progression through Pre-Submission, Post-Submission, and Processing Award. This document shows examples and descriptions of the different maps.​ Notes
Overview This document provides field descriptions and examples of a Proposal Approval Form (PAF)/Project workspace in various states and how it can be utilized. The PAF workspace is available after a PAF is created. Navigation Home Workspace > PAF workspace Click on the name of the PAF/project from your Home Workspace to view its PAF/Project workspace.
Overview The Home Workspace (My Home) is your launch pad for eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM). For the Proposal Approval Forms (PAFs), Awards (AWDs), subcontracts (SUBKs), unfunded agreements (UFAs), and projects listed, you can: View information Track review progress Identify items that require action View related documents Home Workspace
Overview After the Export Control Office reviews a Technology Control Plan (TCP) Amendment, they will send an email notification to request signatures. This procedure contains instructions for approving the TCP Amendment. Reviewing the TCP Amendment Project Team members specified as the Contact PI and newly added personnel with the roles of PI or Responsible Faculty Member or Other Investigator or Participant will be required to approve the TCP Amendment. Approving in eRPM:
Overview After the Export Control Office reviews the Technology Control Plan (TCP), they will send an email notification to request signatures. This procedure contains instructions for Signing the TCP. Refer to the Complete TCP procedure for additional instructions.
Overview U-M Principal Investigators (PIs) must review and approve Award Change Request records (ACR) using the Approve ACR activity. PIs will receive an email notification of ACRs needing approval, or they can access the record from the ACRs Not Yet Approved by PI list on the ACRs inbox tab. 
Overview After the Office of Contract Administration (OCA) completes the draft subcontract (SUBK) agreement, the Principal Investigator (PI) on the subcontract receives an email notification to review and approve the draft in the eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM) system. Import Important Information
Overview Before the final agreement can be executed, the Contact PI must “sign” the UFA and a corresponding Conflict of Interest Statement before routing to ORSP. This process is completed using the Sign UFA activity in the UFA workspace. Important Information