Hardship Requestors:
Hardships can only be requested by the U-M PI, Primary Research Administrator, and Reviewers from the Administrative Home Department, up until an Award is created.
Hardship Reviewers:
PI & Project Team members with Edit rights can use Update Research Activity to update answers to compliance questions in PAF Section 5. Research Activity, and to associate an approved HUM, PRO, and/or IBCA application after the PAF has been routed but before the PAF has been awarded.
If a PAF is in a state of "Awaiting Final Proposal", "Submission Deadline Missed", or "ORSP Review - Project Team Making Changes", then the PI & Project Team, Primary Research Administrators, Primary Post Award Contact, or Administrative Home Department Reviewers can use the Update Submission Deadline activity to enter an extended Submission Deadline. Completion of this activity will recalculate and update the dates for ORSP Full and Limited Reviews.
Display PAF Summary is a non-editable, printable view for review of all information entered on the PAF Worksheet.
Note Edits are made using the Edit PAF Worksheet view.
The PAF Summary includes:
Display UFA Summary is a non-editable, printable view for review of all information entered on the UFA Worksheet.
Note Edits are made using the Edit UFA Worksheet view, if the UFA is in an editable state.
The UFA Summary includes:
When a change is made to a Proposal Approval Form (PAF) or its attached documents (in any state except Proposal Preparation), the details of the change are recorded and posted in a change log. A separate change log is created for each change made.
The change log contains:
Name of person who made the change (author)
Content or type of change (activity)
Date and time of change
Role: PI & Project Team, Reviewer > PAF Workspace
This procedure details how to:
Summary of changes in eResearch Regulatory Management version 9.0.
Study team members, except Principal Investigators and those with an Administrative Staff role, must access eResearch Regulatory Management and accept their role before an application can be submitted, unless the study is Not Regulated or Exempt.
This document covers the steps for non-UM users (individuals external to U-M) to access the eResearch Regulatory Management (eRRM) system. The first step is to obtain a Friend Account or a Sponsored account. Then, an existing eRRM user creates an eResearch account (using the new Friend or Sponsored Account ID).