After the Export Control Office (ECO) creates and reviews a Technology Control Plan (TCP), they will send an email notification to request signatures. After all Research Personnel and IT Manager(s) have signed, the TCP will go to Unit Reviewers for approval. This procedure contains instructions for Unit Reviewers to Sign the TCP. See Technology Control Plans & Licenses for more information about TCPs.
Proposal Management
Based on the information provided in the PAF or Unfunded Agreement (UFA), the system determines which units the submission should be routed to for review. Unit Reviewers can send a PAF or UFA to a person who has not been previously designated as a Reviewer. Anyone who has an account in the system can be added as an Ad Hoc Reviewer.
When Export Control Review has been requested on a project, the record displays on the All Projects in EC Review tab in the Export Control workspace. If an Export Control Reviewer has been assigned, their name will display in the EC Reviewer column. A blank column indicates that an Export Control Reviewer has not yet been assigned.
Alternatively, the Export Control Office can use this functionality in any Export Control Agreement (ECA) by accessing the ECA from the ECA Inbox tab.
In some cases a subcontract (SUBK) associated with a PAF will be managed by a Principal Investigator (PI) other than the PAF Contact PI and/or a department other than the PAF Administrative Home. “Management” provides the ability to enter the SUBK worksheet and execute activities (e.g., SUBK submission, approval of the draft subcontract). In eRPM, SUBK management is recorded via two activities:
The $$$ tab on the Award workspace displays Project/Grants (P/G), Budget Periods, and Funding details as received from the Sponsor. Budget Period Dates are entered by ORSP based on the award documents, and Budget Period rows are listed sequentially. If you have more than one PAF, you can see them all on this tab.
Details of all financial changes to the award will build over time showing the entire money story.
Award Workspace $$$ tab
The Award Change Request (ACR) workspace is the home page for all information about an award change request. From the workspace you can view change request details, view the current state of the request, and complete necessary activities on the award change request.
The Award Change Request workspace can be accessed by individuals attached to the award, including the Principal Investigator (PI), Project Team Personnel, Reviewers, and ORSP.
The Award Change Request Workspace as viewed by a PI is used as an example in this document.
The Award Change Request (ACR) workspace is the homepage for all information about an award change request. From the workspace you can view the change request details, view the current state of the request, and complete necessary activities on the ACR.
The ACR workspace can be accessed by individuals associated with the award, including the Principal Investigator (PI), Project Team Personnel, Reviewers, and ORSP staff.
It is the responsibility of the Principal Investigator (PI)/Project Team to ensure correct compliance items are linked in the Award record (AWD) or Modification (MOD) (e.g., Human Subjects Applications (HUMs); Animal Protocols (PROs), etc).
Award Management functionality was implemented in the eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM) system in August, 2018. The goals of the new functionality are to:
During the project life-cycle, awards can be changed for the following reasons:
Incremental Funding
Change to PI/Key Personnel
No Cost Extension
Budget Changes/Corrections
If ORSP determines that an Award Change Request should be a modification, ORSP will create an Award Modification. It will have its own ID (AWD000000-MOD000). The Award state will become Modification in Progress.