5.4.2 Use of infectious agents (i.e., bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi, prions)?
Various federal agencies have criteria for identifying and listing these agents, which can be natural (as they occur in the natural environment), modified through recombinant DNA (rDNA) techniques, or fully synthetic. If you have any questions, contact EHS Biosafety at 734-763-6973.
Other References
Proposal Management
6.3 Final Documents
Use this section to Upload one PDF proposal document for submission to the sponsor.
6.4 Supporting Documents
Supporting documents are internal documents that are needed when a PAF is routed for approval.
6.5 Are all of your documents uploaded and are you ready to finalize?
Question 6.5 asks if all of your documents are uploaded and are you ready to finalize at the time the PAF was routed for approval.
If ORSP is submitting the proposal, it MUST be finalized prior to submission to the sponsor.
Related PAFs
You can relate multiple PAFs together. Create and view PAF relationships using Related PAFs under the Manage Data left-side menu on the PAF workspace.
The Agreement Acceptance process accommodates PI and Unit approvals for agreements (Awards, UFAs, etc.) that require additional approvals. It replaces the PAF-R and other award approval paper processes. ORSP or Innovation Partnerships will initiate the new process, and PI and Unit Approvals will be processed in eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM).
Refer to the Agreement Acceptance Process for a description of the terms that require review and approval by various parties, including Unit Reviewers.
Role: Reviewer > Home Workspace
Refer to the Agreement Acceptance process for a description of the terms that require review and approval by various parties, including UMOR.
Role: UMOR > Home Workspace
The Agreement Acceptance process accommodates PI and unit approvals for agreements (Awards, UFAs, etc.) that require additional approvals. It replaces the PAF-R and other award approval paper processes. ORSP or Innovation Partnerships will initiate the agreement, and PI and Unit Approvals will be processed in eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM).
After the Export Control Office (ECO) reviews a Technology Control Plan (TCP) Amendment, they will send an email notification to request signatures. After all required Research Personnel and IT Manager(s) have signed, the TCP Amendment will go to Unit Reviewers for approval, depending on the amendment change type. This procedure contains instructions for Unit Reviewers to approve a TCP Amendment.