This document reflects an older version. Please update your bookmarks to the new Compare guide.
Note As of the eRAM upgrade version 5.0 in May 2021, the "View Differences" interface has changed. It is no longer accessed from a link on the Protocol workspace, and is now located within the Navigation menu. It is called Compare.
The Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) Medical Surveillance Questionnaire (MSQ) is completed directly in eRAM. In most cases, you will receive an email prompting you to complete the form. If needed, the form can also be accessed from the EHS Med Surv Form workspace in eRAM.
Research involving the use of controlled substances at the University of Michigan is strictly regulated. U-M faculty who obtain, store, and utilize controlled substances in their research must obtain, as applicable, a State of Michigan license and a U.S. Department of Justice – Drug Enforcement Administration registration AND record your approved license/registration (CSR) in eRAM.
This document outlines the process used by ATR/EMR Staff (animal Husbandry Technicians) and Veterinary staff (Technicians, Residents, Faculty) to create/generate an Animal Treatment Report (ATR) in eRAM.
Step-by-Step Process
The Create ATR button is available from the ATR/EMR Staff Home workspace, which is shown in the example below. The Generate ATR button is also available from Intake, Clinical, and Physical Exam workspaces. Completing either option will open a new Animal Treatment Report.
Action Items are created within animal use forms, amendments and protocols to notify a person or group of a related task. If the action item requires an amendment, the action item and amendment need to be associated with each other.
When working with action items, there are activities specific to the assigner and the assignee, as well as activities that can be taken by both. When following the steps in this document, note the role(s) of the individual who can or must perform each activity.
This document reflects an older version. Please update your bookmarks to the new Create Amendment guide.
Amendments are created for approved protocols when any part of the protocol requires a change. Depending on the type of change, the amendment may or may not need to go through the full review process.
Important Information
Principal Investigators (PIs) and Lab Personnel with the role of Protocol Editor or Authorized Signer can request the purchase or transfer of animals and report animal acquisitions or deliveries by completing the applicable Animal Use Form within eRAM. When completing an Animal Use Form, data is pulled directly from the protocol. Drop-down menus and selection pages display only applicable protocol information, including individuals, species and locations.
Regardless of the type of Animal Use Form you are working with, there are three basic steps to complete:
This document outlines the process used by ATR/EMR Staff (animal Husbandry Technicians) and Veterinary staff (Technicians, Residents, Faculty) to record feeding data for an animal that requires a food chart in eRAM.
This document outlines the process used by ATR/EMR Staff (animal Husbandry Technicians) and Veterinary staff (Technicians, Residents, Faculty) to record weight in eRAM for an animal at intake or for requested monitoring.
This document outlines the steps used by Veterinary staff (Vet Techs and Veterinarians) to schedule or create a drug administration record in eRAM.
Schedule DAR
Generate DAR
Step-by-Step Process
Schedule DAR
The Schedule DAR activity is available in multiple places, including the Clinical, Animal Treatment Record (ATR), and Physical Exam (PE) workspace.