This procedure is a supplement to the rest of the materials about completing the PAF.
It covers the overall steps you need to complete when working with Grants.gov in eResearch:
The following functionality is currently used only for the review of Data Use Agreement UFAs.
ORSP will determine if Data Office for Clinical & Translational Research (UMMS Data Office) review is required. If the study team indicates that clinical data will be shared, the Data Use Agreement will be routed to Data Office for Clinical & Translational Research (UMMS Data Office) for review.
Role: UMMS Data Office > Home Workspace
This document shows examples of the tabs that are available to track Awards in the Home workspace for ORSP-PR, ORSP-Staff, and ORSP-Coverage roles. Awards will be listed on different tabs depending on their state.
Role: ORSP-Coverage, ORSP-PR, ORSP-Staff, > All Awards
This document shows examples of the inboxes, tabs, and project listers that are available to track awards in the Home workspace for Sponsored Programs personnel. Awards will be listed on different tabs depending on their state.
Step-by-step instructions to Activate an award are provided.
Role: Sponsored Programs > My Home
Inbox tab
The Inbox tab is where you find awards (AWD) awaiting action. Awards are grouped by:
The U-M Investigators page on Award Modification Worksheets includes the ability to import Award Change Request (ACR) or Proposal Approval Form (PAF) investigators. It displays different tables for tracking active and inactive investigators. Personnel information listed may include Date Activated on Award Record, Role, Sponsor Role, Senior/key, Date Deactiviated on Award Record, and Appointment.
This document shows examples of the inboxes, tabs, and project listers that are available to track awards in the Home workspace for PI & Project Team. Awards will be listed on different tabs depending on their state.
Role: PI & Project Team > My Home
Awards tab
The Awards tab is where you find awards awaiting action. Awards are grouped by:
This procedure outlines steps for ORSP to initiate award processing from a Proposal Approval Form (PAF) in eRPM. This activity is available on PAFs in the state of "Submitted to Sponsor", "Negotiation in Progress", "Post-Submission Project Team Requests Action", or "Awarded" (in certain cases when the same PAF is used to create a second Award).
At the end of an awarded project, ORSP can initiate project closeout to move the state of the award from "Active" to "Project Closeout" and send an email to the U-M Investigators with the PI role, the Sponsor PI (if applicable), and the Primary Post-Award Contact. The email indicates that ORSP believes the award should be closed, and is starting the closeout process.
Role: ORSP > Award workspace > Initiate Project Closeout activity
The Innovation Partnerships Compliance Manage Deliverables activity allows those with the Innovation Partnerships-Compliance role to complete or remove Innovation Partnership Compliance-type deliverables related to an Award.
Role: Innovation Partnerships - Compliance
Step-by-Step Process
When you log in to eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM), your Home Workspace displays. Note the following:
The Interested Party role in eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM) is for U-M personnel who have interest in sponsored projects but do not have direct responsibility for proposal processing.