After Project Closeout is initiated, ORSP can then complete the Close Project activity to move the state of the award from "Project Closeout" to "Closed". Prior to closing the award, any outstanding modifications, project team requests or deliverables should be completed.
After the Export Control Office (ECO) determines a need for and creates a Technology Control Plan (TCP) from an existing PAF or Unfunded Agreement (UFA), all personnel with edit rights to the TCP will receive an email notification to complete additional required information in the eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM) system. See Technology Control Plans & Licenses for more information about TCPs.
Request Export Control (EC) Review is an activity available to the EC Office and the Office of Research and Sponsored Projects (ORSP). It is used to alert the EC Office that a project (AWD, PAF, SUBK, UFA) is in need of review by an EC Officer.
Key Definitions
Outside Activity, Relationship, Interest ("outside activity"): Outside interest, activity, or relationship with an entity/organization external to U-M that relates to an individual’s institutional responsibilities, and applies to the individual and his/her family members.
The Copy PAF Info to Grants-gov Forms activity copies relevant fields entered on the PAF Worksheet, as well as standard institutional information, to the Grants.gov forms.
Important Information
This procedure details how to:
Create a PAF: the fields that must be completed in order to create a PAF.
Validate: the function that allows you to view a list of fields that need to be completed before the PAF can be routed for approval.
Route for Approval: U-M Principal Investigator or Primary Research Administrator can send PAF to units for review and approval.
Important Information
If ORSP determines that an Award Modification is required, based on information submitted by the PI in the Award Change Request or for other reasons, then ORSP can create an Award Modification. Refer to the Award Modifications Overview for more information about reasons, workflow, and modification types.
Role: ORSP > Award Workspace > Create Award Modification button
If you cannot find a user in eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM), you can create an account for that user. If a person has logged into eRPM before, they will have the PI & Project Team role. If you need to add a person who has never logged in before, you can create an account for U-M users (a person with a uniqname and UMICH password).