The Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) Animal Handler Questionnaire (previously completed in the eRAM system, Medical Surveillance form) is now completed in the Enterprise Health Employee Medical Record.
Working a Site Visit Deficiency Action Item
If a finding with a level of Deficiency was entered by the Facility Inspector after a site visit, they will assign action items to responsible persons for mitigation. Responsible persons can be the PI, Lab Personnel, or the Facility Manager. The responsible person(s)/assignees will receive a summary email with the actions to be worked. The assignees can enter an action plan and details for how they will work or fix the room deficiency in eRAM. Once the action item is ready, assignees can mark it as Complete.
This document reflects an older version. Please update your bookmarks to the new Locations guide.
ULAM Procurement staff can follow this process to create and update new vendors and create and update the vendor delivery schedules in eRAM. These activities are available to the ULAM Procurement Staff in any state.
This document reflects an older version. Please update your bookmarks to the new Add Personnel guide.
This document reflects an older version. Please update your bookmarks to the new Administrative Information (Add PI) guide.
The Principal Investigator (PI) is the person responsible for the protocol application. The PI’s name and contact information must be entered before the application can be created and saved. Only one PI is allowed per application.
All questions must be answered and fields filled out in order to submit the application.
This document reflects an older version. Please update your bookmarks to the new Add Reviewer Questions guide.
During the review process, reviewers add questions to an application in order to request clarification on or additional information about the protocol. These questions are routed through the ACU Office Research Compliance Associate (RCA) where they are reviewed, summarized and then sent to the Principal Investigator (PI).
This document reflects an older version. Please update your bookmarks to the new Species guide.
All species used in the proposed research must be listed on the application. U-M follows federal guidelines regarding the care of animals used for research purposes.
This document reflects an older version. Please update your bookmarks to the new Funding Sources guide.
All eResearch Animal Management protocols are required to include at least one animal handler. Details about species, several procedures and hazardous materials with which the personnel will work also must be entered. This information is needed to facilitate training by the Unit for Laboratory Animal Medicine Training Core.
Animal handling details are entered from the Protocol workspace. All personnel, locations and species must be entered on the application before the animal handler details can be entered.