On 9/28/2015, eRAM introduced a new method for entering Animal Handling Details. However, this method is still being refined and is currently not recommended for protocols with large numbers of personnel/species, as this may cause the system to time-out. If you have a protocol with large numbers of Animal Handlers/Species, we recommend using the original method as outlined in this document. Both the original and new methods will remain available to all users as we continue to update the system.
Overview Amendments are created for approved protocols when any part of the protocol requires a change. Scientific and PI Amendments will have a "coversheet" in the form of an AME Summary. An amendment summary will describe what is changing and why to provide content for future reports and guidance to the Reviewers. Notes
Overview The Amendment workspace is the home page for amendments to protocols. From the workspace you can view amendment details and current state, edit the amendment, review the amendment, and complete necessary activities. The amendment workspace can be accessed by individuals attached to the amendment, including the Principal Investigator, Lab Personnel, ACU Office, ULAM and Reviewers. Only the Principal Investigator and those with Edit rights can edit the amendment.
Overview A new Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC) protocol application and submission form – commonly referred to as “V2” – is available in eRAM for select users. The form was evaluated, redesigned, and fine-tuned with the primary goal of minimizing the time and effort required of researchers and project teams to complete the form. Adoption of the new form will occur in stages throughout 2023.  
Overview The Animal Treatment Record (ATR) workspace is the summary page for tracking animal treatment records, some other animal events and information. From the ATR workspace, you can complete various actions on the ATR itself, as well as other animal events, as needed. The ATR workspace can be accessed by individuals who have the ATR/EMR Staff role of Veterinary, Viewer, or Husbandry (for a limited time in the life cycle).
Overview All forms related to the ordering, shipping and receiving of animals are completed and submitted electronically within the eResearch Animal Management (eRAM) system. The forms are attached to approved protocols. This document provides an overview of the types of animal use forms within the eRAM system. For detailed steps on completing each form, see the Create an Animal Use Form – Step-by-Step Procedure.
Overview The ATR/EMR Staff Home workspace is the homepage for all electronic medical and animal treatment records for individuals who have the ATR/EMR Staff role. The ATR/EMR Staff comprises roles for Husbandry, Veterinary (includes Vet Tech, Vet Resident, and Vet Faculty), and Viewer. Note The tabs that display for you depend on your assigned role. You may need to scroll right to see all the fields.
The Cages tab on the Protocol workspace lists information related to cages and provides a link to additional details about each cage. Currently, only cages that are associated with the protocol will be visible.
Overview The Clinical (CLN) workspace is the electronic file folder for the collection of electronic medical records and tracking of all animal interactions for a given animal/cage. As information is entered, data and details are populated on the Clinical workspace. The Clinical provides a central place
Overview This document details the process used by ATR/EMR Staff with an ATR Veterinary role or EMR Training Core role to resolve a Clinical Electronic Medical Record (EMR) in eRAM. A Clinical record can be closed when a USDA species with an assigned Clinical # is no longer in ULAM’s care (e.g., adoption, euthanasia, etc.).