This document outlines how to access and use Google Meet for the web, Google Calendar, and Gmail.
Table of Contents
First Steps
Export & Download Your Google Drive (My Drive) Files
Export Your Google Data to a Personal Dropbox
Export & Download Your Google Mail
Export & Download Other Google Data
Next Steps
Google Takeout is a tool developed by Google that allows y
Google Takeout Transfer is a tool developed by Google that allows you to transfer a copy of all email in Gmail and all Drive files you own in your U-M Google account to another Google account (e.g., personal account). This document provides instructions for getting started with Google Takeout Transfer.
As part of the U-M Google Storage Project, ITS has created a transfer tool to assist faculty, staff, and students with moving data from U-M Google Drive, Photos, and shared drives to U-M Dropbox. This document provides instructions for transferring your data using the tool to U-M Dropbox.
With the Microsoft Teams Meeting add-on, you can use Microsoft Teams to easily schedule, join, and customize meetings from Google Calendar.
This document provides instructions for installing the "Zoom for Google Workspace" add-on, adding a Zoom meeting to a Google Calendar event, and customizing your meeting preferences.
Google Drive provides two locations for storing and collaborating on data: My Drive and shared drives. This document provides a table that outlines the key differences between U-M Google My Drive and shared drives.
Request a Mail Transfer
This is the process for requesting a mail transfer to copy email from one account to another account. The destination account where mail will be transferred can be an individual user or a Google Shared Account.
This document explains what steps to take before you leave the university and your access to your U-M Google account changes.
Group Calendars
Group calendars - for example, a departmental vacation calendar - are created and shared by the owner as secondary calendars.
Best practices
We recommend creating group calendars using a Google Shared Account instead of an individual account. Calendars owned by an individual's account are deleted when that person leaves the university and is no longer affiliated.