Getting Started with the Zoom for Google Workspace Add-on


With the Zoom for Google Workspace add-on, you can use Zoom to schedule easily, join, manage, and customize meetings from Google Mail and Google Calendar.

​Important: Third-party add-ons may display advertisements, require additional terms of service agreements, have a separate privacy policy, or retain your information. For those reasons, most add-ons within the Google Workspace Marketplace are currently deactivated for the University of Michigan domain, with few exceptions.  

Install the Zoom for Google Workspace Add-on

​Important: If you currently use the Zoom Scheduler Google Chrome extension, we recommend that you uninstall the extension from your web browser and use the Zoom for Google Workspace add-on. The add-on provides the same user experience across all web browsers and the Google Calendar mobile application. For more information on how to uninstall a Chrome extension, visit Google’s Help Center.

To install the Zoom for Google Workspace add-on:

  1. Go to the "Zoom for Google Workspace" add-on in the Google Workspace Marketplace.
  2. Click Install.
  3. Zoom will ask for permission to access your U-M Google account. Click Continue and then Allow.
  4. Navigate to your Google Calendar and open the Zoom for Google Workspace add-on from the right-side panel after installation. You will receive a pop-up stating, “Zoom for Google Workspace was installed.” Click Got it to minimize.
  5. You will be asked to sign in to your U-M Zoom account once you have opened the add-on. Click Sign in. This will open a new window.

If you are currently logged into your U-M Zoom account:

Google Calendar will ask for permission to access your U-M Zoom account. Click Authorize

If you are not currently logged into your U-M Zoom account:

  1. Click Sign in with SSO on the Zoom sign-in page.
  2. Enter umich in the company domain field.
  3. Click Continue.

You should now be able to use the add-on. You may notice the add-on has been added to your Google Calendar and Google Mail right-side panel.

Note: It may take a few minutes for the Zoom for Google Workspace icon to populate in the right sidebar of your Google Calendar.

Screenshot of right-side panel in Google Calendar, red box around Zoom icon

Add a Zoom Meeting to a Google Calendar Event

To add a Zoom meeting to a Google Calendar event from your calendar:

  1. Go to Google Calendar and create an event.
  2. Enter the email addresses in the Add guests field under the Guests tab.
  3. Click Add video conferencing under the Event Details tab and select Zoom Meeting from the drop-down menu.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Click Send to send the invites.

Guests will receive an email with the event information and a link to the video meeting.

To add a Zoom meeting to a Google Calendar event from your email:

  1. Go to Google Mail and open an email you wish to create into an event.
  2. Click the Zoom for Google Workspace icon (Zoom icon) from your right-side panel.
  3. Enter your event details like TopicWhen, and Duration using the side panel. You can also customize preferences for how your Zoom meeting is created.
  4. Click Schedule Meeting at the top of the side panel once you have finished.

Caution: This will invite all recipients from the email.

Guests will receive an email with the event information and a link to the video meeting.

Tip: If you are running into issues where Zoom states, "This meeting ID is not valid," refer to Zoom: "This meeting ID is not valid" Error / Cannot Join Meeting for troubleshooting steps.

Customize Meeting Preferences

If you want to update the meeting preferences when adding a Zoom meeting to a Google Calendar event, you can use the Zoom for Google Workspace add-on from the right-side panel. 

  1. Go to Google Calendar and click the Zoom for Google Workspace icon (Zoom icon) from your right-side panel
  2. Click anywhere on your calendar to create an event. Event options should appear as a pop-up. The right-side panel will change to show the meeting preferences.

Tip: To find additional Google Calendar meeting options, click More options from the new event pop-up.

  1. Enter your event information in the corresponding fields and use the sidebar options to customize how your Zoom meeting is created.
  2. Click Add Meeting at the top of the side panel once you have customized your meeting preferences. It will populate in your event details.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Click Send to send the invites.

Guests will receive an email with the event information and a link to the video meeting.

Last Updated
Friday, October 21, 2022