Google: Creating and Managing Group and Resource Calendars

Group Calendars

Group calendars - for example, a departmental vacation calendar - are created and shared by the owner as secondary calendars.

Best practices

We recommend creating group calendars using a Google Shared Account instead of an individual account. Calendars owned by an individual's account are deleted when that person leaves the university and is no longer affiliated.

If you create a group calendar using an individual account, learn more about MCommunity Group Synchronization to U-M Google and Dropbox for sharing calendars with an MCommunity group.


There is no set naming standard for these resources, but we advise the owners to follow the same naming scheme established for Google Calendar resources.

Resource Calendars

Calendar resources are physical resources - for example, conference rooms or loaner laptops - that can be booked using the Rooms section in a Google Calendar invite.

Create a resource calendar

To create a resource calendar:

  1. Visit the Google at U-M Request Form.
  2. Select Request a new Google Resource Calendar.

The U-M Google team will handle requests to create new resource calendars during regular weekday business hours. Departments and units can also add other managing MCommunity groups to their resource calendars.

Resource naming standards

These standards apply to both room and non-room (e.g., loaner laptop) resources.

Building Name - Floor - Unit Name - Resource Name (Room Capacity, if applicable)

E.g., Arbor Lakes - 1 - ITS - Room 1412 (12)

This is based on Google's recommended room naming convention.

For more information on managing resource calendar permissions, refer to Google: Manage Resource Calendar Permissions.

Last Updated
Tuesday, August 6, 2024