
Overview If an Award or Award Modification (Change) requires ancillary review, committee members will receive an email notification from eRPM indicating the need to review. Awards and Award Modifications awaiting review will display in the Home workspace for Ancillary Reviewers. From there, you can click on the applicable award to open the award/modification workspace. When the review is complete, use the appropriate activity in eRPM to submit your ancillary review.
Overview If changes to the Award are routed to ORSP, the Awards Inbox will display Awards in the State of "Changes Requested." Change Requests are displayed on the Activity Log tab of the Award workspace. Once you have reviewed the requested changes, use Edit Award Worksheet to make changes to the award information and Submit Changes to return the Award to OCA, SSC, or Sponsored Programs for processing. Navigation Role: ORSP > My Home
Overview If an Award or Award Modification requires ancillary review, COI Staff will receive an email notification from eRPM indicating the need for COI review. COI Administration Records (CARs) in M-Inform will be updated in a nightly process with Award reference information. Awards and Award Modifications awaiting review will display in the eRPM Home workspace for Ancillary Reviewers. From there, you can click on the applicable award to open the award/modification workspace.
Overview If an Award or Award Modification (Change) requires ancillary review, committee members will receive an email notification from eRPM indicating the need to review. Awards and Award Modifications awaiting review will display in the Home workspace for Ancillary Reviewers. From there, you can click on the applicable award to open the award/modification workspace. When the review is complete, use the Submit HPSCRO Ancillary Review activity in eRPM to submit your ancillary review.
Overview If an Award or Award Modification (Change) requires ancillary review, RPC staff will receive an email notification from eRPM indicating the need to review. Awards and Award Modifications awaiting review will display in the Home workspace for Ancillary Reviewers. From there, you can click on the applicable award to open the award/modification workspace. When the review is complete, use the Submit RPC Ancillary Review activity in eRPM to submit your ancillary review.
Overview If changes are made to a PAF after your unit approval or if other circumstances change prior to submission to sponsor, you can temporarily withhold your approval by using the Suspend Approval activity.  Navigation Role: Reviewer > PAF Workspace
Overview The eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM) system generates email notifications on certain state transitions and upon the completion of certain events/activities. All email notifications include information about the project, the project ID, and a link to the applicable workspace (PAF, Award, Modification, Hardship, UFA, SUBK, or Agreement Acceptance). This document explains eRPM system-generated email notifications, outlines events that trigger email notification, and describes contents of the email and its recipients.
Overview ORSP can Terminate an Award if the compliance hold items cannot be reconciled, and the Award is in the state of "Compliance Hold." Note When an Award is Terminated, the associated PAF returns to the state of "Submitted to "Sponsor." To change the state of the PAF to "Withdrawn" or "Turned Down", you must go into the PAF and run the Withdraw Proposal or Turn Down Proposal activity. Navigation Role: ORSP > Award workspace > Terminate Award activity
Overview The following functionality is currently used only for the review of Data Use Agreement Unfunded Agreements (UFAs). ORSP and Data Office for Clinical & Translational Research (previously UMMS Data Office) will determine if UMHS Compliance review is required. If the UFA is routed to UMHS Compliance for review, it displays in the UMHS compliance reviewer’s Home workspace Inbox. Descriptions of additional workspace tabs and available UFA workspace activities are provided below.
Overview The UFA Query allows Central Offices to search for UFA records and associated information based on several search criteria options. Navigation Role: ORSP/Innovation Partnerships > Home Workspace