
Overview Amendments are created for approved or suspended protocols when any part of the protocol requires a change. Depending on the type of change, the amendment may or may not need to go through the full review process. Important Information Personnel, Scientific, and PI Change amendments require updates to Animal Handling Details.
Overview Laboratory animals are expected to be maintained under species-specific living conditions. Federal regulations specify the parameters for the following: a) social housing; b) temperature of room/environment; c) enrichment; d) cage size; and e) cage sanitization. Species-specific standard practices conducted by ULAM staff adhere to the federal regulations. Deviations from these standard conditions require justification.
Overview All projects must have an internal and/or external sponsor/funding source. PIs and protocol editors will be able to associate their protocol to multiple funding sources including grants. Users can associate to any grant in the eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM) system. However, there will be a confirmation that the associated grant is applicable for the protocol.
Overview Humane endpoints, which contribute to refinement, are the earliest point at which pain or distress in an experimental animal can be prevented, terminated, or relieved. When pain or distress is a potential or expected consequence of any animal activity, humane endpoints must be established. Appropriate monitoring of all animals is required to address animal health and well-being before they reach their humane endpoints.
Overview The Location(s) of Animal Activities and Transportation between Locations page is where you specify housing location and procedure location details where animal species will be housed and used for research. All approved animal facilities have criteria that govern their use for animal research and housing. If the location you select does not meet the approved criteria for the species and/or research, you will receive an error message when you validate the application.
Overview Select the procedure(s) that will be utilized. Repeat the selection for each applicable species. Note Subsequent pages/questions only appear if the procedure selection box is checked.  All agents and substances (hazardous AND non-hazardous) that are administered or applied to an animal must be described for the activities described in this protocol. 
Overview The type of research is selected and described on the Protocol Scope and Relevance page. When responding to these questions, please:
Overview Before providing details of individual procedures (e.g., surgery and substance administration), the IACUC must be able to understand what an animal will experience from beginning to end of a research study.  Step-by-Step Process Click Update. Note If no species are listed, they must first be added on the Species-Specific Animal Information page.
Overview Please provide the following information for the animals that will be used in the activities proposed under this protocol. If multiple species are used, the information will need to be provided for each species. Step-by-Step Process Click Add.
Overview It is recommended that you use the Validate functionality to ensure all required fields are complete in a submission (e.g., protocol, animal use form, etc.) before submitting it for review. Any errors must be resolved before it can be submitted. In order to minimize the number of errors that display, you should not run Validate until you are ready to submit the submission for review.