Overview A PI or MiCORES Lab manager can manually add an existing user to their lab. This is most useful when a user is switching from one lab to another or performs work for more than one PI and is already in the MiCORES system. Follow the steps below to add or change a lab manager or add new members to your PI lab. Navigation Menu > My Groups > Select your PI Lab
Overview Follow the steps below to assign shortcodes to lab members for use in MiCORES. Navigation Menu > My Groups > Select your PI Lab
Overview (Getting Started) As a non-University of Michigan user, you will need to establish a MiCORES (iLab) account, associating yourself with your institution.  Please follow the steps below to create your account.  Note Please use your institution contact information even if you have been granted a University of Michigan guest or friend account.
Overview Getting Started University of Michigan users, please follow these simple steps or watch this video on how to create an account in MiCORES. Navigation Go to: https://micores.umich.edu/
Overview Follow the steps below to manage lab membership requests in MiCORES. Navigation Menu > My Groups > Select your PI Lab
Overview Some cores are configured to restrict access to services and equipment until users have been explicitly granted access to the core.  To request access to a new or additional core with these restrictions, please follow the steps below. Navigation Menu > Core Facilities > Select applicable core
Overview Please follow the steps below to request access to an additional shortcode. Navigation Menu > My Groups > Select your PI Lab
Overview Follow the steps below to request access to a new or additional MiCORES lab. Navigation Menu > My Groups > Request Group Access
Overview Follow the steps below to change or update the payment information (shortcode) on a MiCores service request. Navigation Menu > My Cores > Select applicable core Step-by-Step Process Click the View All Requests tab to review all of your active requests in the core.