When you log in to eResearch Regulatory Management (eRRM), your My Home page (i.e. Home Workspace) displays. You can initiate a variety of activities, access other applications (i.e. workspaces), and view any items that require your attention.
Non-Committee Members (Ad-Hoc Reviewers) asked to review an eRRM submission will be notified via email. Reviewers should access eRRM submissions assigned to them via the email link.
Role: Ad-Hoc Reviewer > eRRM Ad-Hoc Reviewer email notification
Core Committee Staff can use the Notify Participating Sites PI activity from the Multi-Site (parent) Study workspace to send an email to the local Site PI(s), notifying them that they can commence work on their University of Michigan Participating Site Application.
Role: Core Committee Staff > My Home > Study workspace
When you select a Participating Site from your My Home page, the Participating Site workspace displays.
In some cases, you may receive an email notification that a participating site application has been assigned to you, with a direct link to the workspace.
Role: PI/Study Team Member or Core Committee Staff > Participating Site workspace
This document provides an overview of the IBC Application and the functionality within it.
The IBC Application has six high-level sections:
Study Team Members (U-M and sponsored affiliates) and Core Committee Staff can use the Post Correspondence activity to communicate with others involved with the study. Post Correspondence is a communication tool only and will not update or submit your application.
Study Team Members and Core Committee Staff can use the Post Correspondence activity to communicate with others involved with the Participating Site Application. Post Correspondence is a communication tool only and will not update or submit your application.
The posted messages are permanent and visible to anyone with access to the Participating Site Application (e.g., U-M Study Team Members, your local site team members, U-M IRB Staff and Committee Members, Technical Staff, Regulatory Officials).
Study Team Members and Core Committee Staff can use the Post Correspondence to Participating Site Application activity from the Multi-Site (parent) Study workspace to communicate with others sites and site members involved from the parent multi-site application workspace. Post Correspondence is a communication tool only and will not update or submit your application.
Study team members with edit rights on the study application can post, edit, and delete notes that are visible only to other team members. Study team notes can only be posted when the study application is in an editable state (e.g., Pre Submission).
Role: PI/Study Team Member > Home Workspace > Study Workspace
This document details how to complete PRC Committee Member review.
Role: Committee Member > Home Workspace > Review Workspace