Regulatory Management: Post Correspondence to Participating Site Application from Parent Study


Study Team Members and Core Committee Staff can use the Post Correspondence to Participating Site Application activity from the Multi-Site (parent) Study workspace to communicate with others sites and site members involved from the parent multi-site application workspace. Post Correspondence is a communication tool only and will not update or submit your application.

The posted messages are permanent and visible to anyone with access to the parent study and Participating Site Application (e.g., U- M Study Team Members, Local Site Application Study Team Members, Committee Staff, Committee Members, Technical Staff, Regulatory Officials).


Role: PI/Study Team Member or Core Committee Staff > My Home > Study workspace

Step-by-Step Process

  1. Click the Post Correspondence to Participating Site Application activity.
  2. If applicable, edit the Email Subject: eResearch Site Application: Correspondence Posted.
  3. Enter Comments.
  4. If applicable, click Add to attach documents.
    Note Revised documents that were originally uploaded in the application should NOT be uploaded here. They should be uploaded to the appropriate section of the application.
  5. Select recipients of your correspondence.
    Note All Participating Site Projects are checked by default.
  6. Click OK.


  • The Posted Correspondence to Participating Site Application Activity, Author, and Activity Date display under the Activities and Correspondence section on the Study workspace and on the Participating Site workspace.
  • The selected recipients will receive an email of the correspondence.
Last Updated: 
Thursday, October 17, 2019