Uniqnames & Passwords

Uniqname Administrators with the "All-Password Reset" capability are able to reset UMICH (Level-1) passwords for members of the UMICH community who have forgotten them. Any member of the university community can phone the ITS Service Center for a password reset at any time, so only the staff of a limited number of U-M IT departments need and have this capability. Outside of the ITS Service Center, All-Password Reset access is available only to IT staff at Health Information Technology & Services, CAEN, Dearborn, and Flint.
Tips for creating secure passwords and instructions for changing your UMICH password and setting up account recovery information.
This document provides information about the MCommunity Directory group profile associated with a Google Shared Account and resetting the UMICH password associated with that account.
Important steps designed to assist you with the initial access to Oracle and password set up.
You can reset your password yourself with your previously provided account recovery phone or email. If you have not set up account recovery, you can phone or chat with the ITS Service Center for help.
You will be able to reset your forgotten UMICH password yourself if you set up account recovery information ahead of time. We can then send a password reset code to you via text, phone call, or email. Newly sponsored people can set their initial UMICH password as long as their sponsorship administrator entered their current non-UMICH email address when setting up their sponsorship.
Covers the process used by incoming students and employees to set up their own uniqname—the U-M user ID or user name used to access U-M digital resources, set up their UMICH password, and enroll in Duo two-factor authentication.
Your UMID—university ID—is an eight-digit identification number. It appears on your Mcard and is associated with your official university records.