How to find and change information in your profile in the MCommunity Directory. Your directory profile contains information that is related to your affiliation with the University of Michigan.
MCommunity Directory Support
You can update the membership of MCommunity groups that you own by adding and removing members. You can change who owns a group, and you can make a group moderated by adding moderators.
This document is for U-M staff members who have administrative access to the MCommunity Directory. It provides instructions for using the administrative web interface to MCommunity, as well as information about the different access roles available.
U-M instructors on the Ann Arbor campus can use the MCommunnity Directory to create groups based on course-roster data in Wolverine Access. These groups are synchronized to U-M Google and can be used for sending email, and sharing U-M Google resources.
How to create, renew, and delete groups in the MCommunity Directory. Members of the U-M community can create MCommunity groups to use for sending email, sharing U-M Google resources, authorizing access to resources, and more.
Members of the U-M community can create MCommunity groups for sending email, authorizing access to U-M Google and other resources, and more.
This document provides general information about the MCommunity LDAP Tree, including a list of the most frequently used attributes. The LDAP tree is an LDAP-accessible replica of the MCommunity Directory.
This document provides information about the MCommunity Directory group profile associated with a Google Shared Account and resetting the UMICH password associated with that account.
How to manage groups you own in the MCommunity Directory. An overview of the parts of your group and your responsibilities as a group owner.
This document explains how to acquire and remove personal group memberships in the MCommunity Directory. It also describes privacy and email settings you can request if you have concerns about your membership being public, or about unwanted email sent to a group.