The Hotlist allows Core Committee Staff to identify priority submissions (studies, amendments, etc.) and complete common tasks without having to navigate to the Submission Workspace. Each individual works within their own Hotlist. Adding, updating or removing submissions in your Hotlist does not affect other users’ Hotlists.
Role: Core Committee Staff > Home Workspace > Submission Workspace
Regulatory Management
Although it is not required, a committee member can log in to eResearch Regulatory Management (eRRM) before a committee meeting to view agenda items.
Role: Committee Member > Home Workspace > Meetings tab
Step-by-Step Process
Click the Committee Member role or verify it is selected on the Home Workspace.
Uploading, Editing, Comparing, and Deleting Documents
Do's and Don'ts for Uploading Files to eResearch Regulatory Management (eRRM)
Upload common file formats; remember, not everyone has the same software you do.
have spaces in the file name of the file you are uploading. You can replace spaces with underscores (for example, file_name.doc).
Make sure the file size is 268 MB or smaller.