NOTE archivetar is not meant to be a backup tool, but can fake it when used carefully. By using the filtering options --atime
can select only files matching the filters specifically files that were changed. Incorrectly using settings can cause gaps resulting in data loss. We recommend repeating a full copy periodically to correct for any missing data.
Work-flow, grab all files modified since last run of archivetar
and placing them in their own folder.
Limitations, archivetar
cannot track deletion of files. For users not using Globus (--destination-path
) setting a size cutoff --size
you can not tell what files larger than --size
need to be copied. If using Globus those large files and the tars created are uploaded.
# initial full backup
archivetar --prefix full-backup --source <UUID> --destination <UUID>
--destination-path /path/on/dest/project/full/
# 7 day later grab all files changed (ctime) less than 8 days ago (small overlap
# recommended)
archivetar --prefix inc-backup-7day --source <UUID> --destination <UUID>
--destination-path /path/on/dest/project/inc-7day/ --ctime -8