
Archivetar is an enhanced version of tar, which is used to create Archive and extract the Archive files.  The tar command in Linux is one of the important commands that provides archiving functionality in Linux.

  • Automates the creation and optional upload of data to storage targets such as Data Den.
  • Developed by ARC

Archivetar with default settings and will create myprefix-1.tar myprefix-2.tar ... myprefix-N.tar  with each tar having ~100GB of data. This will tar every file as no --size cutoff is provided.
it will also create myprefix-1.DONT_DELETE.txt with a list of all the files in tar 1 and myprefix-1.index.txt with the full metadata (ls -l output) of the files in that archive.  These are used to find where files are and where they came from but at not required but recommended to be kept along with the archive. 

archivetar --prefix myprefix 
module load archivetar
archivetar --help
archivepurge --help
unarchivetar --help