eRAM: Upgrade 5.0 Overview of Changes


The eResearch Animal Management (eRAM) system upgrade to 5.0 (framework version 9.0), effective May 22, 2021, brings a number of user interface changes and navigation improvements to the smartforms for projects including Applications/Protocols (PRO), Amendments (AME), Use Forms (USE), Controlled Substances (CSR), Action Items (ACT) and more.
Note This overview depicts Animal Application/Protocol changes in the examples, unless otherwise noted.


Smartform Changes


The Navigation Bar that previously displayed at the top and bottom of the smartform has changed.   

Old look
  Old Navigation bar

  1. The Project ID now displays more prominently at the top of the smartform, e.g., "Editing: Animal Protocol - PRO00010150".
  2. Navigation menu replaces the Jump To list, and it has moved to the left navigator.  It persistently displays a list of all the pages in an application. 
    • The entire left navigator can be toggled on or off, (closed  or opened ) with the double-arrow icon. 
    • The page that you are currently viewing is in bold and highlighted. 
  3. Validate replaces Hide/Show Errors, and it has moved to the left navigation menu. See Validate for more details.
  4. Compare replaces View Differences, and it has moved to the left navigation menu. See Compare for more details.
  5. Go to Navigation shifts the focus from the smartform to the navigation menu, i.e., it opens the navigation menu if it was collapsed.​
  6.  Reviewer Notes and Reviewer notes legend are located at the top-right corner of the smartform.
    Note Notes only appear on animal protocol projects after reviewer notes/questions have been added. See Reviewer Notes for more details.
  7. H. I. Buttons to Exit,   Save, ​and Continue (or Finish) float at the bottom-right corner of the smartform. They always display, and you don't have to scroll to view them.
    Tip Use Continue to advance to the next required page in the application.

    New look
     application protocol smartform

     (not shown above) The  Print drop-down menu has two choices:

    • This page opens a Printer-Friendly view of the current page in another browser tab.
    • All pages opens a Printer-Friendly view of the entire smartform in another browser tab.
      Note The Print button appears on all projects except for animal protocols. Animal protocols can be printed using the Printer-Friendly Version link on the protocol workspace.

    Validate (previously Hide/Show Errors)

    Validate replaces Hide/Show Errors.  It is located within the Navigation menu.

    Old look (displayed Error/Warning Messages in a bottom panel​)
    Error/Warning Messages

    Click Validate to run project validation and view Error/Warning Messages. Pages/questions with green checkmarks indicate verification/completion, and red circles indicate incompletion and/or warnings.

    New look (displays warnings within the Navigation menu)
    Validate Error/Warning Messages
    See the Validate step-by-step procedure for more details.

    Compare (previously View Differences)

    Compare replaces View Differences, and it has a new interface. It is located within the Navigation menu. Changes between application versions and steps can be viewed at the page level once more than one version has been submitted.

    • At the top, you can pick which version to compare from the  down arrow. 
    • Pages with a  pencil icon indicate changes were made. 
    • Click a   pencil to view the change in the smartform. Differences display below the changed question, including who made change and when, what the change was, and version number).
      • You can expand and collapse the differences to view further details.

    See the Compare step-by-step procedure for more details.


    When entering information for some questions that have Add, Update, or Browse... buttons, the additional fields that opened as separate "pop-up" browser windows now slide in from the right side of the smartform.  For example, when adding or updating Internal Funding the "Edit Protocol Internal Funding" window slides in.
    Note The window can be minimized or closed to return to the main smartform, but you must click OK to save your selection.

    Slide-in example
    Slide -in window

    The slide-in windows are also called Dialogs.  If you've minimized a slide-in and returned focus to the main smartform, then options to Close  and Restore  dialogs display in a bar on the right-side of the smartform.
     Note The main smartform controls remain locked for editing until you close the slide-in dialog.

    Slide-in minimized
    restore dialogs 

    Document controls

    When working with certain documents, there is a new location for the buttons/controls on document stacks. Click the Browse  ellipsis button next to the Version Number for options to:

    •   Download Copy
    •   Upload Revision
    •   View History
    • Delete.

     Note The options that are available may vary based on the project type, question, document-type and user role.

    Document controls
    document options

    Continue where you left off

    The system remembers where you last were within a smartform.  A "Welcome Back! Continue where you left off" message displays, and the project opens directly to the most recent page that you had saved. 

    Reviewer Notes

    Reviewer Notes have a new interface and improved functionality. The notes that previously displayed at the top of the smartform now display in a new pop-up window. 

    Old look
    old Reviewer Notes design

    New look
    Reviewer Notes interface

    Within the Reviewer Notes window, there are options to:

    • Select Reviewer Question Type
    • Enter text notes
    • Edit or Delete Reviewer Questions
    • Attach Files
    • check/uncheck Response Required
    • Reply, Resolve this thread, or Reactivate this thread

    New Most pages have the option to enter notes in-line at the question level (vs. top, page level only), so you don't have to identify the specific question/species in your note (Principal Investigator, General Information, Funding, Personnel, Species,  Location Information, Procedure Summary, Adverse Consequences, Use Justification, Alternatives, PI Assurance pages).

    • Note The Procedure page and the 18 procedure pop-ups will not be able to have notes at the question level at this time. The functionality works the same as prior to the upgrade, where you need to specify which question the note pertains to.

    in-line question

      As questions/notes are added, the quote icon  incrementally displays the number of notes in the upper-right corner of the smartform and on the pages in the Navigation menu.

        ​Navigation with reviewer notes icon

      Click the Reviewer notes legend at the top of the smartform for a description the different quote icons.
      Reviewer notes legend

      See the Add Review Questions step-by-step procedure for more details.

      Redesigned Application/Protocol Pages

      The Location Information, Procedure Summary, Adverse Consequences, and Use Justification protocol pages have been redesigned. The tabs for each species have been replaced with a list-format. Details are now added using the Update button for each species. 

      The Location Information page changes are shown in the example below. It requires adding/updating details with a 2-step process for each Species and Location.

      Old page design with tabs
      Old Location Information tabbed page

      New page design 
      Location Information page

      See the Add Location Information step-by-step procedure for more details.

      New design for Procedure Summary, Adverse Consequences, and Use Justification pages

      Procedure Summary page without tabs

      Adverse Consequences page without tabs

      Use Justification page without tabs

      Last Updated: 
      Tuesday, April 27, 2021