Groups and Permissions

UNIX Permissions

When accessing your Turbo storage through NFS, your access to files and directories will depend on their UNIX permissions. These permissions are assigned at the object level by the user, and the user's default group permissions are also assigned to the file.  By default, only the creator of a file and the users in the group inherited from the parent directory will be able to access a file.

For more information on UNIX Permissions, you can refer to this guide, or ask your Unit IT Staff for help.

Active Directory Permissions

If you are accessing your Turbo Storage through CIFS, your access to files and folders will be based on your Active Directory (AD) Group Membership. AD Group membership is owned and managed by Unit IT Staff. If you need to change permissions or access to CIFS/SMB Volume, you should contact your unit IT team for assistance.

Unix Groups

To set appropriate permissions and provide access for multiple users on our clusters, local Unix groups must be created by ARC to properly administer your NFS Turbo volume. Any user additions or deletions to Unix groups on any ARC service must be requested by contacting us at [email protected].

AD Groups

To set appropriate permissions and provide access for multiple users in CIFS volume, AD groups must be created by your local IT department to properly administer your CIFS volume.

Multi-protocol volumes require advanced synchronization between Unix Groups and AD groups. Contact your unit IT staff to help build this synchronization, and we will work with you and them to set it up.

Any requests to add users to AD groups must be directed towards your local IT department.