Chartfield Change Request


The Chartfield Change Request form is an application within the Service Request System (SRS). This application allows you to make or request a change to existing Chartfields for phone line services.

Important Note: If you cannot add a new chartfield or find the existing chartfields you wish to use for your Chartfield Change Request, please refer Manage Chartfields documentation for instructions.
Important Note: You must be authorized for the existing department to make this request. You can’t submit a request to change a phone number in a department that you are NOT authorized for.

Using the Application

  1. Navigate to the Service Request System and log in with your U-M Credentials.
  2. At the top of your SRS dashboard, select Chartfield Change Request from the Permissions & Billing drop-down list.

screenshot showing the SRS dropdown selections

  1. Select one of the two options available:
    • Option 1 to make changes to phone line services for existing departments you are authorized for.
    • Option 2 to request changes to phone line services for departments you are NOT authorized for. 

screenshot showing two chart field change request buttons

Chartfield Change Request: Make changes to phone services for existing departments you are authorized for 

The Chartfield Change Request form allows you to make changes to current Chartfields for phone line services managed by departments you are authorized for. Follow the steps below to make changes:

1. Select Existing Chartfield

This page allows you to select the departmental Chartfield(s) that existing services are being billed to.

  1. Click the drop-down arrow in the Switch Department box to select the existing department that services are being billed to.
  2. Click Next.

screenshot showing how to select the current department

2. Select Existing Shortcode

This page allows you to select the departmental shortcode for Existing services.

  1. Click the drop-down arrow in the Select Shortcode box to select the correct departmental shortcode for Existing services. 
    1. Note: If the shortcode you're looking for is not visible, click on the Show Chartfield Select box to see more details. 
  2. Click Next.

Important: You can only choose Chartfields for which you are currently authorized. If you are not currently authorized for the correct Chartfields,  follow the process found here to request the changes.

screenshot showing shortocde selection

3. Select User IDs

This page provides you with a list of the user IDs associated with the Chartfield selected on the previous page.

  1. Select the user IDs which need to be changed by checking the box beside each one. Alternatively, check the box for Select All Records or Select All From Page, if applicable.
  2. Click Next

screenshot showing how to select users ids associated with a shortcode


  • To search for a specific set of user IDs or buildings, use the Search box.
  • Toll and local charges are only available for user IDs with Phone Lines (PH) and AuthCodes (RA). User IDs with anything else (e.g., DA) will only include a Monthly Recurring Charge (MRC).
  • If a service has Toll/Local/MRC charges billed to a different Chartfield than the one that was selected, it will be indicated by a red “X” icon. Alternatively, if a service has Toll/Local/MRC charges billed to the selected Chartfield, it will be indicated by a green check icon.

4. Select New Chartfield

This page provides you with the ability to select a new Chartfield where you want existing services to be billed to.

  1. Use Select New Chartfield to choose a new Chartfield from the drop-down list.
    • Note: You can optionally choose to select a different department from the drop-down list other than your own next to Select New Department. However, most users will want to keep their current department. 
  2. Check the box(es) beside the user IDs you wish to reassign. You can pick and choose where the charges go for different user IDs as you move through the list.
  3. Check the box(es) for applicable charges (i.e., MRC, Toll, and Local).
  4. Click Apply after each reassignment. Notes:
    • You can specify a new Chartfield or keep the same one as before.
    • Toll and local charges will be greyed out if the user ID(s) selected do not include a “PH” or “RA”.
  5. After you have finished selecting the new departments and Chartfields for each user ID, click Next to proceed to the final step.

screenshot showing how to select the new department chartfield

5. Review & Submit

This page lets you review the changes you have made and double-check that everything is correct.

  1. Once you’ve reviewed and confirmed your changes on this page, click Submit. You will be taken to a confirmation page. If you need to repeat this process for a different Chartfield, you can select Submit Another Request, and the system will take you to the beginning of the application.

screenshot showing a review summary of requested changes 


  • Toll and local charges cannot be changed for any Chartfields except for those with user IDs that contain “PH” or “RA”. Note: If you click Select All on the Select New Chartfield page, you may see local and toll charge boxes become available to check because the Chartfield list includes “PH” and/or “RA”.
  • You can only choose Chartfields for which you are currently authorized. If you are not currently authorized for the necessary Chartfields, follow the steps found here, to request authorization.

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Chartfield Change Request: Request changes to phone services for departments you are NOT authorized for 

The Chartfield Change Request form allows you to request a change to existing Chartfields for phone line services that are managed by departments you are NOT authorized for. Follow the steps below to request a change: Important: You must be authorized for the existing department in SRS to make this request.

1. Select Existing Chartfield

This page allows you to select the departmental Chartfield(s) that current services are being billed to.

  1. Click the drop-down arrow in the Switch Department box to select the current department that services are being charged to. Note: If you do not find the chartfields you wish to use for your Request, please refer Manage Chartfields documentation for instructions.
  2. Click Next.

screenshot showing how to select the current department

2. Select Existing Shortcode

This page allows you to select the departmental shortcode for existing services.

  1. Click the drop-down arrow in the Select Shortcode box to select the correct shortcode. Note: If you do not see the shortcode you're looking for, click on the Show Chartfield Select box to see more detail.
  2. Click Next.

screenshot showing shortocde selection

3. Select User IDs

This page provides you with a list of the user IDs associated with the Chartfield selected on the previous page.

  1. Select the User ID(s) which need to be changed by checking the box beside each one. Alternatively, check the box for Select All Records or Select All From Page, if applicable.
  2. Click Next.

screenshot showing how to select user ids


  • If you would like to search for a particular set of user IDs or buildings, use the Search box.
  • Toll and local charges are only available for user IDs with Phone Lines (PH) and AuthCodes (RA). User IDs with anything else (e.g., DA) will only include a Monthly Recurring Charge (MRC).
  • If a service has Toll/Local/MRC charges to a different Chartfield than the one that was selected, it will be indicated with a red “X” icon. Alternatively, if a service has Toll/Local/MRC charges to the selected Chartfield, it will be indicated with a green check icon.

4. Select New Chartfield

This page provides you with the ability to select a new Chartfield where you want existing services to be billed to.

  1. Click the drop-down arrow in the Select New Department box and locate the new department.
  2. Click the drop-down arrow in the Select Shortcode box to select the correct shortcode.
  3. Check the box(es) beside the User ID(s) you wish to reassign. You can pick and choose where the charges go for different user IDs as you move through the list.
  4. Check the box(es) for applicable charges (i.e., MRC, Toll, and Local).
  5. Click Apply after each reassignment. Note: Toll and local charges will be greyed out if the user ID(s) selected do not include a “PH” or “RA”.
  6. After you have finished selecting the new departments and Chartfields for each user ID, click Next to proceed to the final step.​

screenshot showing how to select new chart field

5. Review & Submit

This page lets you review the changes you are requesting and double-check that everything is correct.

  1. Once you’ve reviewed the changes, click Submit to send the request for approval. 

screenshot showing how to review and submit a change request 


  • Toll and local charges cannot be changed for any Chartfields except for those with user IDs that contain “PH” or “RA”. Note: If you click Select All on the Select New Chartfield page, you may see local and toll charge boxes become available to check because the Chartfield list includes “PH” and/or “RA”.
  1. A confirmation page will display. If you need to make another request, you can select Submit Another Request and return to the beginning of the application.

screenshot showing the confirmation page


  1. Once you've submitted the request, the department ID manager will receive an email with a link to accept or reject the request.

screenshot showing requestor email

  1. The Chartfield change will display for acceptance or rejection. 

Screenshot showing the accept and reject options for a request

  1. Once the user clicks Accept or Reject, they are asked to confirm their selection.

screenshots showing confirm dialogue boxes

screenshot showing request reject dialog box

  1. The requester will receive an email with the approval or denial message.

approval email screenshot

denial email screenshot

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Last Updated: 
Monday, August 26, 2024