Proposal Management: Property Control Manage Deliverables


The Property Control Manage Deliverables activity allows those with the Property Control role to complete or remove property-type deliverables related to an Award.


Role: Property Control

Step-by-Step Process

When you log in to eResearch Proposal Management, your Home Workspace displays.

  1. Verify the Property Control role is selected. Note the following:
  1. The Inbox tab shows deliverables that are due now or past due.
  2. The Upcoming tab shows deliverables with upcoming due dates.
  3. The Completed tab shows completed deliverables, the completed date, and who they were completed by.eResearch Proposal Management My Home for Property Control Role, indicating letters A-C and steps 1-2
  1. Click on the Award link.
  2. Click the Property Control Manage Deliverables activity from the Award workspace.
    Award Workspace screenshot step 3

Follow the steps below to Complete or Remove a deliverable.

Complete a deliverable:

  1. Click Complete.
    Note Only complete deliverables that have a Responsible Party of "Property Control".
    Property Control Manage Deliverables window steps 4 and 10
  2. Click Add or drag and drop file(s) to attach completed documents.
    Warning Do not upload any export controlled information or data.
    Edit Deliverable window screenshot steps 5-9
  3. Enter Completion Comments which will display on the Deliverables tab of the Award workspace.
  4. Enter the Date submitted to the sponsor.
  5. Enter or select who submitted to the sponsor.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Click OK to save.


  • The Status on the Deliverables tab will show Completed, and the activity will be recorded on the Activity Log on the Award workspace.
  • Completed Deliverables will move to the Completed tab on your Home Workspace.

Remove a deliverable:

If you or someone else accidentally created a property control deliverable, then you can delete it.

  1. Click Delete next to the deliverable you want to remove.
    Note Only delete deliverables that have a Responsible Party of "Property Control".
    Property Control Manage Deliverables step 4 and 6
  2. Click OK.
  3. Click OK to save.

Note The Deliverable will be removed from the Deliverables tab on the Award workspace.

Last Updated: 
Monday, May 6, 2024