Proposal Management: Manage Conflict of Interest


The Manage Conflict of Interest activity allows U-M Investigators to update the Conflict of Interest information if it has changed. This activity is available after an investigator has signed the Award. Once completed, this activity will send an email to the ORSP Project Representative and Department Award notifiers informing them of the update.


Role: PI & Project Team > Award workspace > Manage Conflict of Interest activity

Step-by-Step Process

  1. Click Manage Conflict of Interest.
  2. Select the Yes or No radio button as it applies to the conflict of interest statement.
    Note If Yes, an outside interest disclosure for each conflicted or sponsor-required investigator must be filed in M-Inform.
  3. If you answered Yes to the Conflict of Interest question, enter/update the name of the investigator, outside entity, and a description of the interest/relationship(s).
  4. Click OK.
Last Updated: 
Monday, September 14, 2020