2.6 Administrative Personnel
Add the people who will be serving as Administrative Personnel on the project. Administrative Personnel are people other than the Principal Investigator to whom questions about the project can be addressed and to whom correspondence about the project should be sent. There must be at least one person entered on the Administrative Personnel page.
Add Administrative Personnel
- Click Add.
- Type the person's Last Name or Uniqname.
Tip Click Browse... to search by First Name, Last Name, name or uniqname. - Select the correct person from the list.
Tip If you cannot find the correct person, either re-search on Last Name, verify exact uniqname, or click Create New User to create an account for the user. For U-M users, see the Create an eResearch Proposal Management Account instructions. For Non-UM users, see the Sponsored account information. - Check the Award Type box for which this person will have an administrative role.
- Pre-Award
- Post-Award
- Check the applicable edit rights box(es) that the person should have.
- PAF Edit: Can edit the PAF whenever it is available to edit.
- Grants.gov Edit: Can edit SF424 (i.e., Grants.gov forms) after it is generated and before it is submitted to the sponsor.
Note If no PAF and/or Grants.gov edit rights are selected for the person, they will only be able to view PAF and/or Grants.gov.
- Click OK.
Add More Administrative Personnel
- Click Add.
- Follow the steps above to Add Administrative Personnel.
Edit Administrative Personnel Information
- Click Update by the person's name.
- Make changes, as needed, to:
- Award Type
- Permissions (i.e., edit rights) to the PAF or Grants.gov)
- Click OK.
Delete Administrative Personnel
- Click delete Delete next to the person you want to remove.
- Click OK to the warning message box.
- You cannot delete if only one person is listed in Administrative Personnel.
- You cannot delete the Primary Administrative Contact, unless you first change the contact on the Project Administration page.
User not found?/User Doesn't Exist?/Create Account
If you cannot find the correct person in the search results list, click Create New User to verify if the user exists in the M-Pathways Human Resource Management System.
Verify Whether the User Exists
- Select Uniqname or Last Name as the Search Type.
- Type the person's Uniqname or Last Name (as applicable).
- Click Search.
- If user(s) match your search criteria, the name(s) will appear below your search criteria.
Note If the person is currently associated with U-M and you cannot find them, contact the ITS Service Center. - Click the person's name to create an eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM) account. The person will be sent an email confirming access to eResearch.
- If person is not currently associated with U-M, select this option.
- Complete the required fields, then click Save.
- If the person will need to login and use eRPM, you will need to coordinate with them in the creation of a U-M Sponsored (creates an ID to allow non-UM users to login into some U-M systems).
- The person must create a U-M Sponsored account using the same email address that you entered on this page. If the email addresses do not match they will not be able to log in to eRPM.
Related Resources
Last Updated:
Tuesday, July 23, 2024