1.6 Download Grant Information Application
Brief directions are included below. For more information, see Grants.gov from eRPM (includes full process and illustrations of pages and steps.)
- Opportunities are downloaded to eResearch from Grants.gov nightly.
- If the FOA# unknown, search for it using Grants.gov.
- If you use the Grants.gov finder, you must return to eResearch Proposal Management to complete your application.
Grants.gov Work-Arounds
- PROJECT DIRECTOR/PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR CONTACT INFORMATION (Pulled from R&R Key person) - Position/Title is pulled from “Primary Work Location” from M-Pathways Human Resource Management System.
- Work around - Change this on the RESEARCH & RELATED Senior/Key Person (with Expanded) Profile page.
- Areas affected by project and Congressional district on the face page are blank.
- Not automatically filled in because different for Dearborn & Flint.
- Required documents/fields (marked with a red asterisk
)- Requiring certain docs are uploaded before moving on to the next page. Not always possible if filling out the application in stages/pieces. E.g., required to upload a project summary. At the PAF stage, it is often draft.)
- Workaround - Remember you can use the Forms menu list to skip between pages.
- Tip If you have a partially completed page, use the Forms menu move to the next section. It will save a partially completed page.
- Warning If you try to click Save or Continue on a partially completed page, you will receive a warning.
- Entering data multiple budget years
- When entering budgets, names do not carry over from the Yr 1 budget sheet.
- Budget pages not prefilled after first one
- Cognizant Federal Agency information only automatically entered in Yr 1.
- Had to enter it separately each year
- Cannot be prefilled because when we create the SF424 we do not know how many budget periods.
- Had to enter it separately each year
Last Updated:
Monday, January 11, 2021