Proposal Management: Award: Edit Staff Notes (ORSP)


The Edit Staff Notes activity allows ORSP to communicate between PR and Support Staff. With this activity you can:

  • Edit staff notes
  • Upload documentation
  • Move the Award record to and from Project Representatives and Support Staff


Role: ORSP > Award workspace > Edit Staff Notes activity

Step-by-Step Process

  1. Click Edit Staff Notes.
  2. If applicable, enter Staff Notes.
    Edit Staff Notes
  3. If applicable, click Add and attach documents.
  4. (Optional) Check applicable boxes in the Select Email Recipients section.
    Note An email will be sent to the selected recipient(s).
    Select Email Recipients
  5. If applicable, enter or lookup Other ORSP Contacts to receive email.
  6. Select the applicable Please select the Inbox in which this Award should display radio button.
  7. Click OK.
Last Updated: 
Monday, September 23, 2019