Privacy and Your MCommunity Profile


Privacy of Your Profile Information

The MCommunity Directory is a public listing of individuals at the University of Michigan. All current members of the U-M community have profiles in the MCommunity Directory. The public information in your MCommunity Profile displays to anyone who visits the MCommunity Directory.


  • Information that you add in the editable section of your profile may also be seen by the public, depending on the privacy setting you choose. See the Hide or Show Some Information with the Viewable By menus section to learn about the display settings available to you.
  • Information in your profile can be accessed by other UMICH services. This includes services that use Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) queries to grant access based on a person’s attributes.

Public Information In Your MCommunity Profile

The public information in your profile includes the following, depending on your relationship with the university.

A standard person profile (one that has not been customized by its owner) displays this minimal public information:

  • Name(s)
  • Uniqname
  • Email address ("[email protected]" Only listed if a mail forwarding address has been entered)
  • Affiliation

Faculty and staff profiles include this additional public information:

Student profiles include this additional public information:

  • Title ("Student," followed by the student's school/college/program/department)

See About Your MCommunity Profile: View and Edit for more on what information is in your profile.

Hide or Show Some Information with the Display to Menus

Whenever you see a Display to menu next to a piece of information in your profile (these are visible when you are editing the information), you can select who can see that information.

There are three options for who can view the information:

  • Display to Anyone. Anyone with Internet access can view the information.
  • Display to U-M Only. Only people who log in to the MCommunity Directory with a uniqname and password can view the information. This includes faculty, staff, students, alumni, retirees, and sponsored guests.
  • Display to Me Only. No one other than you can see the information, and you must be logged in to see it.

Students Can Request Non-Disclosure of Directory Information

Students can have everything but their uniqname hidden in their MCommunity profile by requesting non-disclosure of directory information from the Registrar's Office on their campus. This restricts what information the university can release no matter how it is released. For example, it restricts what information university telephone operators can give out and what university offices can provide to potential employers and others.

Questions or Concerns About What's In Your Profile?

If you have questions or concerns about the information displayed in your MCommunity profile—or want certain information hidden—the ITS Service Center can help.

Last Updated
Thursday, March 6, 2025