Configure DNS and Provision SSL Certificate

UM-specific Follow the instructions on the Pantheon website to configure DNS and get an SSL certificate while keeping the following things in mind:

  • You should have pre-provisioned Pantheon's SSL/TLS certificate(s) for your website when you connected the domain(s) in the previous step. If so, you do not need to do the HTTPS/certificate steps described at the link above.
  • If the DNS record(s) for your website currently point to Cloudflare:
    • The DNS changes to publish your Pantheon website need to be made in Cloudflare.
    • If your website is in a Self Service Cloudflare zone or a Basic Cloudflare zone, you or your unit's IT staff may be able to make the necessary changes in Cloudflare.
    • If your website is in a Turnkey Cloudflare zone, you need to have the ITS Cloudflare team make the change. Contact [email protected] with the DNS name(s) that should be changed and the Pantheon IP addresses assigned to your website.
    • If you do not know what type of Cloudflare zone your website is in, or if it is in a Self Service zone and you prefer to have the ITS Cloudflare team make the changes in Cloudflare for you, contact [email protected].
  • If you need to make changes in regular (non-Cloudflare) DNS:
    • If you have access to manage DNS for your website's domain name, you may be able to change the DNS records for the domain name to point at Pantheon.
    • Your local Unit IT support may be able to change the domain name's DNS records to point at Pantheon.
    • In all other cases, contact your campus' Hostmaster team to have them change the domain name's DNS records to point at Pantheon.