When searching for documents, you can use the Quick Search or Search tab to perform your search.
When you use the Quick Search feature, you can search for a document based on its name, drawer, or document property value. When you use the Search feature, you can search for a document based on a composite property or custom property value, a document property, status, or a user.
You can save document searches as private filters.
Search for a Document
Quick Search
- Select which field you wish to search on by clicking the dropdown underneath the Quick Search tab.
- Enter in the value you want to search on and click Go to perform the search.
Advanced Search
- Click
Add on the Search tab.
- Select a constraint to use from the Constrain by drop-down list in the Add Conditions dialog box.
- Select the type of search to perform from the Type drop-down list.
- Select the item field from the Field drop-down list to use in the search.
- Select an operator from the Operator drop-down list to use when comparing the field and value.
- Enter a value for the search in the Value field.
Note: If you selected Prompted in the Type list, the Message box appears instead of the Value list. Enter instructions indicating what value to enter.
- Optional: Repeat the advanced search steps to add another search value, as needed
- Click Go.
Adapted from Perceptive Software Online Help
Last Updated:
Monday, July 8, 2019