Proposal Management: Add/Update Sponsor Information


This procedure details how to add U.S. Federal Government sponsor codes on the Sponsor Information page of a Proposal Approval Form (PAF) or Clinical Trial Routing Form (CTRF) that is in-progress. The required question displays for PAFs that are in a state of Proposal Preparation or another editable state, (i.e., sent back for changes).

Important Information

  • The new question is required to be answered as of the eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM) 7.0 release on May 15, 2023.
  • Red asterisk (*) indicates a question that must be answered in order to complete the form and route for approval.


Role: PI & Project Team or Reviewer > Home workspace

Step-by-Step Process

  1. Click the Name of the PAF or CTRF (from the PAFs tab) to open its workspace.
  2. Click Edit PAF Worksheet.
  3. Go to the Sponsor Information page.
    eResearch Proposal Management PAF Worksheet
  4. Click Add or Update on question 1.7 Sponsors.
    Note The Direct Sponsor is required to route for approval. The Prime Sponsor, if applicable, is also required.
  5. Choose Direct or Prime from the Sponsor Role drop-down list.
  • The Direct sponsor is the entity from which U-M directly receives project funding. All sponsored projects have at least one direct sponsor. 
  • The Prime sponsor is the original source of the project funds, when not the Direct sponsor. (Project funds are “passed through” the Direct sponsor from the prime sponsor.) 
  • See definitions of Direct and Prime.

Add Proposal Project Sponsors

  1. Indicate if the sponsor is a U.S. Federal Government entity
    If Yes, continue to step 7. If No, go to step 13.

If Sponsor is a U.S. Federal Government entity:

  1. Enter and select the U.S. Federal Government sponsor.
    Tip You can search by acronym. For example, type "NIH" or "NSF". See Abbreviations and Codes for Federal Sponsors.


  1. Click browse ellipsis to search for a sponsor from the list of U.S. Federal Government sponsors.
  2. Click OK to confirm your selection, then go to step 11. 
    Or click Cancel and go to step 9.
  • The list of sponsors is filtered based on the role selected (Direct or Prime).
  • Filter by Short Name (common name) or Official Name.
  • Use '%' as a wild card.

Select System Sponsor

  1. Check the box if the sponsor code cannot be found (only for U.S. federal sponsors).
    Add Proposal Project Sponsors
  2. Enter the Sponsor name in the field that displays.
  3. Click OK or OK and Add Another to save your answers on the Add/Edit Project Sponsors page.
  4. Click Save or Continue to save the edited PAF worksheet.

If Sponsor is not a U.S. Federal Government entity:

  1. Enter the Sponsor name.
    Add Proposal Project Sponsors not federal
  2. Click OK or OK and Add Another.
  3. Click Save or Continue.
Last Updated: 
Monday, May 15, 2023