View Exchange Voicemail Lines in the TURF or Inventory & Location Report

You can find all Exchange Voicemail lines for your unit in Telephone Upgrade Request Form (TURF) or in the Inventory & Location Report:

View Exchange Voicemail Lines in the Telephone Upgrade Request Form (TURF)

To view the VoIP phone lines in the Telephone Upgrade Request Form (TURF):

  1. Navigate to the Telephone Upgrade Transition Tools page.
  2. Click the Telephone Upgrade Request Form (TURF) button.
  3. Click on the Department for which you wish to view the IP phone lines. 
  4. Press Ctrl+F on your keyboard, and then type “Exchange Voice Mail”.

Exchange Voicemail in the TURF

View Exchange Voicemail Lines in the Inventory Report

To find the VoIP phone lines in the Inventory report:

  1. Navigate to the Service Request System, place your mouse over the Run Reports tab and select the Inventory & Location Report.
  2. Click the drop-down arrow in the Select a Department ID field and click on the department name you wish to run the report for. 
  3. Click the drop-down arrow in the Select a Billing Period field. Click on the most recent date.
  4. Click Generate Report.
  5. In the report, Press Ctrl+F on your keyboard, and then type “EX-VCML” to identify the IP phones in the "ITEM_CODE" column.

Exchange Voicemail in the Inventory Report



Last Updated: 
Wednesday, May 29, 2024