Telephone Use Case Scenarios


ITS is upgrading the U-M telephone service which will provide additional options to meet campus progressing needs. The following information provides an overview of the Telephone Service Upgrade project telephone use cases and possible future devices for each use case.

Telephone Use Cases

Single Lines without need for a Physical Desket

Current Use Future Use
Single line individual staff/faculty who have their U-M phone number
with a phone deskset in a physical location such as (hoteling space,
home office, campus office and location on campus building) or
existing softphone (Cisco Jabber) that is mobile.
Individual Staff/Faculty will have their U-M phone number on a new
U-M Zoom Phone application available to use anywhere on a supported
device (laptop or mobile).

Multi-Line and other Telephones that may require a Deskset/Physical Device

Current Use Future Use

Multiple people sharing one U-M phone number in a physical location.
Example: Front desk

U-M Zoom Phone physical deskset
Physical phones located in a shared location. Example: Conference rooms U-M Zoom Phone physical deskset
Individual Staff member who has responsibility for a U-M phone number and
answers multiple lines with a physical deskset or existing U-M softphone.
Example: Shared Lines answered by Admin
U-M Zoom Phone physical deskset or softphone according to

Specialized physical telephone sets such as:

  • Courtesy wall phones used in hallway or classrooms.
  • Lines used in Labs/classrooms
  • Fax machine
  • Analog credit card machines
  • Alarm services
  • Modem devices
Your future state services will be transitioned to an analog

Analog Telephones

Current Use Future Use
Existing physical telephone set in kiosk, wall-mounted, or in an
elevator, including:
  • Emergency Phones
  • Elevator Phones
  • Area of Rescue Phones
  • Bridged Lines
Your future state services will be transitioned to analog phones.

Additional Resources

Last Updated: 
Monday, March 13, 2023