Regulatory Management: Upload and Edit Resumes, CVs, or Biographical Sketches


Study Team members with rights to edit the study application can upload or update biographical information, such as a resume, CV, or biographical sketch, for themselves or for other members of the study team. Often, Study Coordinators will update these items for the Principle Investigator and Co-Investigators.

If you want to upload a revised CV for yourself, see the Edit section below.

Important Information

  • Documents can only be added to a study (or updated) when the study application is in an editable state (e.g., Pre Submission).
  • An amendment must be created to add/update documents to a study in a non-editable state (e.g., Approved). See Create an Amendment for more information.


Role: PI/Study Team > Home Workspace > Study Application

Step-by-Step Process


  1. In section 1.3 Study Team Members, click the name of the person for whom you want to upload biographical information.
  2. Scroll down to the Credentials section. Either,
    • click Add and go to step 3.
    • drag and drop the file and go to step 7.
      Note The Title defaults to the filename. To update the Title, click Upload Revision.

  1. Enter a Title for the document you are uploading.
    Note If you do not enter a title, the filename becomes the title of the document.
  2. Click Choose File.
  3. Locate and open the file on your computer.
  4. Click OK to add the document, or click OK and Add Another to upload another document.
    The document is now attached to the study application.
  5. Click OK at the bottom of the Study Team Detail window to return to the Study Application.
  6. Click Save.

Editing your own CV

  1. Click your name, and then My Profile.
  2. Select Biographical Information from the Select View drop-down list.
    Biographical Information
  3. Click the browse ellipsis button next to the Version number, then click Upload Revision.
  4. Click Choose File.
  5. Locate and open the file on your computer.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Note the Version number has changed.
    Biographical Information
  8. Click OK.
Last Updated: 
Monday, March 30, 2020