Regulatory Management: Friend Account – Accepting Your Role on the Study Team


Except for those with the role of Principal Investigator or Administrative Staff, study team members who are not affiliated with U-M (e.g., individuals with a Friend or Sponsored account) must access eResearch Regulatory Management and accept their role before an application can be submitted. This process allows the individual to verify and accept their role on the study team and to maintain compliance with U-M Conflict of Interest policies.

After logging in to eResearch Regulatory Management, complete the following steps.


Role: Study Team Member > Home Workspace

Step-by-Step Process

  1. From the Need to Accept Role section of My Inbox, click the name of the application or amendment to open the Study Workspace.
    eResearch Regulatory Management system My Inbox Need to Accept Role section step 1
  2. Click the second Accept Role activity.
    • The Accept Role activity will be available after an Application Type has been selected in question 1-1.1.
    • If your role on the study team is not Principal Investigator, Co-Investigator, or Faculty Advisor, you may skip to step 8.

Application Workspace step 2

  1. Click Add to upload your CV, resume or biographical sketch, or click Upload Revision to upload a revised copy.
    Note A Participant Interaction question may display, depending on the Application Type. 
    Accept Role window step 3
  2. If applicable, enter a Title.
    Submit a Document window steps 4-7
  3. Click Choose File.
  4. Select the file to upload from your computer.
    Note If needed, view the Recommended File Types in eResearch.
  5. Click OK and Add Another and repeat steps 4-6 as needed, or click OK when you finish uploading documents.
  6. Answer each of the questions related to Financial Interests and relationships that may be relevant to this research.
    Note If you answered No to all of the questions, skip to step 11.
    Financial Interest Screening Questions page steps 8-12
  7. If you answered Yes to any of the questions, click this form to open the Financial Interests Disclosure form.
    Note The disclosure form is a "fillable" document. Complete all required fields, then save the form to your computer.
  8. Click Upload.
  9. Check the box to acknowledge you have read the application materials and accept the responsibilities associated with your role on the study.
  10. Click OK.
Last Updated
Wednesday, March 27, 2024