Proposal Management: Log in to eResearch


The eResearch Proposal Management (eRPM) system is accessed from the ITS eResearch website or from Wolverine Access



  • Turn off pop-up blockers so that you can view all elements of eRPM properly. You must be able to view pop-ups to use eRPM.
  • To properly receive email noticiations sent from eRPM, you must be able to view HTML emails. If you have a plain text email system, turn on the ability to View HTML messages.

Step-by-Step Process

  1. Go to  Or, click the eResearch tile in Wolverine Access (not shown).
  2. Click Proposal Management Login.
    screenshot of eResearch website showing eResearch website steps 1-2
  3. Enter your Uniqname (Login ID or Sponsored Account) and your UMICH (Level-1) Password.
    Note If you are a non-UM user, refer to MCommunity Sponsorship for more information about requesting a sponsored account.
    screenshot showing Weblogin steps 3-4
  4. Click Log In.
  5. The first time you log in to eRPM you will be prompted to verify your contact information.
    • Enter your contact information, filling in all fields marked with a red asterisk (*).
    • Your address is populated from your work address from the M-Pathways Human Resource Management System (HRMS). To change your work address, click the Address or Personal Data Changes section on the Shared Services Center Personnel Changes page.
    • You can only have one address in eRPM. The eResearch system updates your address from HRMS on a nightly basis.
      eRPM system screenshot verification page steps 5-6
  6. Click Submit.

eResearch Proposal Management opens and displays your Home Workspace.

Last Updated: 
Friday, December 1, 2023