Regulatory Management: Ancillary Committee Reviewer Home Workspace


This document provides information that Ancillary Committee members can use to review submissions for human subject research in eResearch Regulatory Management (eRRM).

Logging into eResearch

When a new research application is submitted that requires review by your committee, you will receive an email notification. This email will have a link to the application in eResearch. Click the link to log in to eResearch. For more information, see Logging in to eResearch Regulatory Management.

Using the Home Workspace

  1. Verify the Ancillary Committee role is selected. Individuals with multiple roles in eRRM, such as Core Committee Staff and Study Team Member, can select the appropriate role under My Roles.
  2. Your Home Workspace displays all eResearch submissions associated with you, organized by status (Inbox, In Progress, Approved, Archived). Click the appropriate tab for each category to access the submissions.
  3. The Inbox displays submissions that require action by you. Click the Name of a submission to open the submission's workspace.
    Note New submissions will not appear in the Inbox unless you are assigned as the Ancillary Owner and you are required to take some action.
  4. Click the navigational arrows to to view the next and previous page(s), if applicable.
  5. Click My Home from any page in eResearch to return to your Home Workspace.
  6. Click to the arrow next to your name, then click Logoff to sign out of eResearch.
Last Updated: 
Monday, September 23, 2019