1.1.2 Long Title
The Long Title is for proposal titles that are more than 256 characters.
- If you do not enter a Long Title, the Project Title will default in the Long Title field after you save the PAF.
- It helps with searches in the eRPM Data Set that every project has a Long Title.
- If you later change the Project Title, make sure to update your Long Title.
For project titles more than 256 characters
- Abbreviate the title in the Project Title field, and
- Capture the full proposal title in the Long Title field.
Tip Spell out uncommon acronyms and abbreviations that would be unknown to the average lay person.
For example, to anyone in the arthritis field, JRA is juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, but a lay person might not be familiar with that abbreviation.
Where the Long Title displays:
- On the first page of the PAF
- In the eResearch Proposal Management Data Warehouse.
Where the Project Title displays:
- All other title references in the Proposal Management system use the Project Title.
Last Updated:
Wednesday, September 18, 2019