eRAM: Manage Shortcodes


Shortcodes are used for making purchases at U-M, including purchasing animals, equipment and/or other services related to Animal Management protocols, and for assigning daily-care per diem charges. Within the eResearch Animal Management (eRAM) system, Principal Investigators (PI), the Unit for Laboratory Animal Medicine (ULAM), or Shortcode Managers designated by the PI can activate or disable shortcodes for use overall, and they can be designated for specific uses on specific protocols. Billing Viewers (designated by PI or Shortcode Manager) receive emails for billing and can view Statements of Charges. PIs can also share shortcodes between protocols and/or with other PIs.


Adding a New Shortcode

When completing an Animal Use Form, only the shortcodes listed in eRAM that are associated to the specific protocol will be available for use. A Principal Investigator and/or Shortcode Manager can add valid shortcodes to eRAM as necessary. Shortcodes are added from the PI & Lab Personnel Workspace.

  1. Click the Manage Shortcodes tab.
  2. Click Update Details.
    Note The PI must designate their first Shortcode Manager. Following that, the designated Shortcode Manager has the ability to add others. For details, see the Adding a New Shortcode Manager section of this document.
    PI & Lab Personnel Workspace, Manage Shortcodes tab in eRAM steps 1-2
  3. Click Add.
  4. Type the first few digits of the Shortcode in the Select Shortcode field, then select the desired Shortcode from the list of matching values that display.
    Click Browse... and then choose the desired shortcode from the list that displays.
    Update Shortcode Details window in eRAM steps 4-10
  5. Click the appropriate Yes/No radio button in the Is this Shortcode available for use? field. This setting can be changed at any time.
  6. Check the applicable box(es) to Select use type(s).
  7. If applicable, begin typing the protocol number in the Protocols Authorized to Use of This Shortcode (owned by PI listed above) field, then select desired protocol from the list that displays.
    Click Browse... to search for and select the protocols for which this Shortcode can be used.
  8. If applicable, begin typing the protocol number in the Protocols Authorized to Use This Shortcode (owned by another PI) field, then select desired protocol from the list that displays.
    Click Browse... to search for and select the protocols for which this Shortcode can be used.
  9. If applicable, begin typing in the Billing Viewers field, and then select the desired person from the list that displays.
    Click Browse... to search for and select Billing Viewers.
    Note For details, see the Adding a New Billing Viewer section of this document.
  10. Click OK.
  11. Verify the information is correct on the Manage Shortcode Details page. Then, click OK.
  • To change the details of a Shortcode, click Update in the applicable row.
  • For a Shortcode to be available (i.e. show up in drop-down lists on Animal Use Forms):
    • The protocol must be listed on this page;
    • “Available for Use?” must be “yes” for the Shortcode, and;
    • It must be flagged as “Active in M-Pathways”.

​Adding a New Shortcode Manager

Individuals can be designated as a Shortcode Manager for a PI. This allows someone other than the PI to add or update shortcodes in eRAM that are owned by that PI. The PI must set up their first Shortcode Manager in eRAM. Additional Shortcode Managers can then be added by the PI or by Shortcode Managers already designated by the PI.

  1. Click the Manage Shortcodes tab.
  2. Click Update Details.
    PI & Lab Personnel Workspace, Manage Shortcodes tab in eRAM steps 1-2
  3. Click Browse... in the Persons Authorized to Manage Shortcodes field.
  4. Click the checkbox(es) next to the individual(s) being added as a Shortcode Manager(s).
    Note Use the Filter by options to narrow the list of people when searching for the individual. You can Filter by first, last, or uniqname.
  5. Click OK
    Note If a person should no longer be a Shortcode Manager, click Remove in the appropriate row.
  6. Click OK.

Adding a New Billing Viewer

PIs and Shortcode Managers can designate Billing Viewers for specific Shortcodes. Shortcode Managers and Billing Viewers receive emails for billing and can view Statements of Charges. Billing Viewers have no other functionality in eRAM.

  1. Click the Manage Shortcodes tab.
  2. Click Update Details in the Shortcode Details list.
    PI & Lab Personnel Workspace, Manage Shortcodes tab in eRAM steps 1-2
  3. Click Update next to the Shortcode for which you wish to designate a Billing Viewer(s).
  4. Click Browse... in the Billing Viewers field.
  5. Click the checkbox(es) next to the individual(s) being added as a Billing Viewer(s).
    Note Use the Filter by options to narrow the list of people when searching for the individual. You can Filter by first, last, or uniqname.
  6. Click OK.
    • The selected individual(s) display in the Billing Viewers section.
    • If desired, click Remove in the appropriate row to remove the person as a Billing Viewer.
  7. Click OK to return to the Manage Shortcode Details page.

Requesting/Approving/Denying to Share a Shortcode

I. Requester Actions

Requesting a Shortcode involves action by two people—the protocol PI or “requester” and the owner (must be a PI) of the Shortcode. Only a PI can request to share a Shortcode, and only a PI can give final approval/denial of a Shortcode request. The steps that follow are divided into sections based on your role in the request.

Follow the steps applicable to your role. Shortcode requests are made from within the protocol for which the Shortcode will be used. Once the Shortcode request is approved, it can only be used on that protocol. To use the Shortcode on a different protocol, a separate request must be made from within the appropriate protocol.

Navigation: Shortcode requests appear on the Action Items tab of your Home Workspace (My Home) for PI & Lab Personnel.

  1. Click the Request to Use Another PIs Shortcode Activity.
  2. Click Browse... in the Principal Investigator field.
    Request to Use Another PIs Shortcode window in eRAM steps 2-7
  3. Click the radio button next to the Principal Investigator who owns the Shortcode.
    Note Use the Filter by options to narrow the list of people when searching for the individual.
  4. Click OK.
  5. (Optional) Enter any comments for the PI in the Comments field.
  6. Check the box to affirm you will use the Shortcode in accordance with the related funding agreement.
  7. Click OK.

II. Shortcode Owner Actions – Approve/Deny Request

After a Shortcode is requested, the PI listed as the Shortcode owner (and, if applicable, that PI’s designated Shortcode Manager(s)) receives an email notification. The request can be accessed either by clicking on the link in the email or going to the Action Items tab on the Home Workspace.

  1. Click the Action Items tab.
  2. Action Items are assigned an ID number beginning with “ACT.” Click the Action Item’s # to open it.
    • If approving a request, complete steps 3-8.
    • If denying a request, skip to step 9.
  3. Click Select Short Code from the Activities menu.
    Note The PI and/or the PI’s Shortcode Manager can select a Shortcode.
  4. Select the Shortcode being shared with the requester from the Select Shortcode drop-down list.
    Select Short Code window in eRAM steps 4-5
  5. Click OK.
  6. Click the Affirm Short Code activity.
    Note Only the PI can affirm the Shortcode to complete the process.
  7. Check the box to affirm that the Shortcode may be used by the requester.
  8. Click OK.
    Note After the PI affirms the Shortcode, it is available for use by the requester when creating an Animal Use Form from the specified protocol.
  9. Click the Deny Short Code Request from the Activities menu.
  10. Enter comments for the requesting PI in the Comments field.
    Note The Comments field is a required field to deny a request and will be included in an email to the requester.
    Deny Request to Use Short Code window in eRAM steps 10-11
  11. Click OK.

Requesting/Submitting a Shortcode Transfer

If a Shortcode used for protocol animal use forms is found to be invalid, or if you would like to switch the Shortcode associated with a particular protocol, a PI or a designated Shortcode Manager can request that another valid Shortcode​ be applied.

  1. From the Manage Shortcodes tab of your Home Workspace, click the Shortcode Transfer Request button.
    Note You may have to scroll down to locate the button.
  2. Select the Shortcode to be changed from the drop-down menu of available Shortcodes.
    Important Only Shortcodes that are owned by the PI, available for use, and active in M-Pathways will appear in the list.
    Shortcode Transfer Request window in eRAM steps 2-3
  3. Click Continue.
  4. Check the applicable box(es) to select the Protocol(s) for which the new Shortcode is to be applied.​ 
  • Once you have selected all relevant protocols, your new shortcode will appear in the Select new shortcode drop-down menu in step 5. 
    • By default, select Service Charges are not attached to a Protocol in eRAM. If your original shortcode has Service Charges that will need to be moved to the new shortcode, contact ULAM with the Charge ID numbers (located on your ULAM billing statements) to move the charges manually. 
      Shortcode Transfer Request Details screen in eRAM steps 4-5
  1. Select new Shortcode from the drop-down menu.
    • If your new shortcode does NOT appear in the drop-down menu, confirm that both your current and your new shortcodes are linked to the same protocols. Instructions for linking your shortcodes and protocols can be found in the previous section.
    • Once you have selected your new shortcode, you need to scroll all the way down to the bottom to complete the rest of the details. Your shortcode may have many animal cages on it, and you should scroll past all of these cages to continue with your shortcode transfer. 
  2. Select the Start date for the Shortcode transfer to take effect.
    Shortcode Transfer Request Details screen steps 6-9
  3. Read the instructions for additional information. 

  4. If the request involves charges billed more than 90 days ago, click Add to upload approval from Sponsored Programs  documentation. If the shortcode is not funded by Sponsored Programs, approval from someone in your Financial Department is required.

Note ULAM bills one month behind. For example, charges that appear on your August statement were expenses that accrued during the month of July’s Per Diem Period. If needing to transfer costs that reflected on your August statement, you would need to backdate the transfer’s start date to capture July’s charges (e.g., Enter "July 1" in the Start date for shortcode transfer to take effect field).

  1. Click Finish.
    Note An Open Action Item will be created for your Shortcode transfer request and you will be taken to the Open Action Item Workspace. Nothing more is required from the PI/Shortcode Manager.
  2. Once you have received the auto-notification email from eRAM that the shortcode transfer has been processed, go to the Manage Shortcodes tab of your Home Workspace and ensure that the Available for Use column is marked as "no" on your previous/old shortcode. 

If any current cages have been changed in the system, please have your lab staff change the shortcode only on the cage card (cross off the previous shortcode and write in the new one), to avoid future billing complications and to maintain proper compliance.  

Do NOT change barcode labels or cage cards due to other veterinary/husbandry information kept on the card and the time/effort involved to do this. 

Related Resources


Last Updated: 
Monday, July 22, 2024