
The MiServer Managed Windows Quick Start Guide contains important steps to assist you in connecting to, and administering, your virtual server.
The managed Windows OS team offers the following guest OS upgrade/replacement options:
How-to guide for using the Active Directory tool to manage access to your MiServer Managed Windows server.
The MiServer Managed Service offers customers a managed operating system, including installation and support for the operating system, patch management, antivirus, monitoring, and backups. MiServer Managed (sometimes referred to as Managed OS) is an offering in the cloud service that leverages components from Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) to provide service to customers. More information on components listed in IaaS can be found on the IaaS and Cloud service definitions. For detailed information about these services refer to the Service Definition Documents and Service Level Expectation document.
Servers subscribed to the Managed OS Windows service are scanned monthly for severity vulnerabilites. The MiServer service is commited to addressing vulnerabilities discovered within the managed OS components of hosted servers; Windows customers are also expected to mitigate vulnerabilities discovered in software components they have installed on top of the managed OS. Examples of customer supported components include but are not limited to Apache, Chrome, Firefox, Java, Microsoft Office, OpenSSL, Oracle, SharePoint, Wireshark, etc.
Background Servers subscribed to the Managed OS Windows service will automatically receive security updates for operating system components on a regular basis, no actions are required on your part to receive these updates. Which Updates are Installed on my Managed Windows Server? The MiServer service will apply these monthly rollup bundles to managed Windows servers: