This document describes the basic components in Active Directory (UMROOT) and how to work with them.
Active Directory
This document describes the basics of creating computer accounts in UMROOT.
This document provides configuration information for LDAP and Global Catalog access to Active Directory (UMROOT).
The following list are the ACLs applied to each delegated OU in the Accounts OU for each delegated administrative group. The effective rights to users are the permissions granted minus the permissions that are denied.
Departments that wish to manage user or computer accounts in Active Directory (UMROOT) can join the U-M Windows Forest as a delegated organizational unit (OU). This document lists the steps for doing that.
This document describes the prerequisites and process for administrators of delegated Organizational Units (OUs) in Active Directory (AD) to move the uniqname accounts of users from the People OU (where they are created by default) to the Accounts OU that is associated with their unit or organization. This allows administrators to control user and computer settings in their group's Windows environment.
This document is a comprehensive list of the servers, including specific ports, which must be open in your firewall in order to access Active Directory (UMROOT) servers and the test forest servers.
This document describes how to configure a Windows computer for pass-through login.
In This Document
Prerequisites for DFS in UMROOT
Advanced Features
After joining Active Directory (UMROOT) as a Delegated Organizational Unit, follow the directions in this document to configure your new Active Directory environment.