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U-M System Administrators and Merchant Sales
Only provides access to the PCA secured enclave
Payment Card Assurance (PCA)
As part of a software install/upgrade or maintenance, there may be a need to map a drive across a Jump Server. This allows an administrator to move install and data files to the correct location for continued operations. The following describes the process for temporarily mapping a drive across the Jump Server.
Important: Drive mapping is temporary and all mappings disappear when the Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) is disconnected.
The MiServer service monitors your servers and receives alerts when problems are detected. Server administrators can reboot their servers as needed. When doing so, schedule downtime using the Zabbix console. Downtime should be scheduled from a U-M computer and does not need to be done from your PCA servers themselves.
Note: When maintenance periods are active for a host ALL alerting for that specific system is suspended until the maintenance cycle ends.