Network Information Database (NetInfo): Basic NetInfo Information


What Is It?

The Network Information Database contains information about (almost) every network used at the University. Here is a list of information you can find for each network:

  • The name of the network
  • The IP subnet range(s) and VLAN ID
  • The physical location(s) of the network
  • A short description of each network's purpose
  • Contact information for hosts on that network

How Do I Access It?

Here is the link to the database. You will have to log in, but everyone has view access to it.

How Do I Use It?

The easiest way to use Netinfo is to search. The search page is what comes up when you browse to the link above. You can fill in full or partial data into any of the search fields and if there is a match, you will get results. The database is old and slow so please be patient! Here is a brief explanation of each field:

  • IP Subnet Address: Enter in any IPV4 address on the network you are looking for and it should come up in the search results. You can also enter partial address information (e.g., "141.213") and it will return all networks that match the partial address.
  • Network Name: This is a name assigned to the network by UMnet Administration. You can enter in part of a name (e.g., "CCS") and get all network names that contain that string.
  • Novel Server Name: No longer used.
  • IPX Network number: No longer used.
  • AppleTalk Zone: No longer used.
  • Department/Organization: The department that owns this network (e.g., "Athletics").
  • Network Location: The building(s) where the network has presence. Search for all or part of the official building name. Here is a list of official building names and their corresponding 6-digit U-M building codes (you must search by name, not code).
  • VLAN ID/range: The VLAN ID of the network. You can enter in a range (e.g., 1-100) and it will return all VLANs within that range.
  • Note

    This field does not work for many College of Engineering networks.

Once you get results, you can click on each one to see more details about that network. In the "Related Results" section towards the bottom there is a "Network Detail Summary" link that will list out all the info on the current page as well as the netmask, default gateway, and usable IP range of each subnet on that network in an easy to copy-and-paste format.

How Do I Request Changes to NetInfo Data?

If you notice that data for a particular network (or networks) is out of date (particularly the "Owners" fields), UMnet can fix that for you. Submit a help request ticket, describe the change needed, and assign it to ITS - Network. Please do not use the "Submit Change Request" button at the bottom of the Network detail page, that functionality is no longer used.

What If I Can't Find My Network?

Here are a few common issues with finding networks in Netinfo:

  1. No IPv6 support. Networks that have IPv6 assignments will have an additional "" in their "Subnets/Networks" field, but you will not be able to tell what the actual assignment is. The next version of Netinfo will have IPv6 support. Until then you can use this list to find IPv6 networks. Open a ticket with ITS - Network if you can't access the link.
  2. Networks pending activation. If UMnet has reserved a network for you but it has not been configured, it is most likely in the "Pending" state and will not show up when you search under "Networks". You will be able to find it if you click on the "IP Subnets" link on the left sidebar and search there.

For any other issues, submit a help request ticket and assign to ITS - Network.

Other Resources

For a graphical guide of how to use the Network Information Database, see pages 6 and 7 of this Network Troubleshooting Tools PDF.

Last Updated
Wednesday, January 4, 2017