MCommunity Profile Features & Functionalities

The following chart provides you with a comparison of how frequently used MCommunity profile features and functionalities behave today and how they will behave after the MCommunity Transformation project is complete. 

Note: After the Mcommunity Transformation project is complete, all MCommunity profiles are updated through UMICH Account Management (UAM). Users can update their UAM profile settings by logging into UAM through their MCommunity profile link or logging directly into UAM. 

MCommunity Profile Features & Functionality

Feature or Functionality MCommunity Profile Today MCommunity Profile After MCommunity Transformation Project Action Needed
Last Password reset date Displayed on MCommunity profile. Displayed the date and time of their last password reset through their UMICH Account Management page. 

Red X indicating no action needed.  

No action needed.

NameCoach Badge  Not available today.  NameCoach Badge available to allow users to set the phonetic pronunciation of their name. 

Green checkmark to indicate action needed.

Record NameCoach Badge. Refer to NameCoach at U-M for more information 

QR Code Not available today. 

MCommuniy profile displays a scannable QR code that provides specific information selected by each user. 

Sample visual of a QR code displayed on an MCommunity Profile

Green checkmark to indicate action needed.

Set desired options to display from QR Code through UAM. 

Pronouns Not available today. 

Pronoun drop-down menu available. Drop-down menu for those able to view user's selected pronouns is also available. 

Green checkmark to indicate action needed.

Select applicable options from drop-down menus in UAM. 

Profile Photo Not available today.  Profile Photo upload available to personalize MCommunity profile. 

Green checkmark to indicate action needed.

Upload a profile photo into UAM and choose who can view your photo from the Show Photo drop-down menu. 

Self-Service Name Management  Also Known As is the only option available today. 

Self-service name management includes:

  • Ability to set display name
  • Ability to manage also known as names
  • Ability to hide name of record (legal name)

Green checkmark to indicate action needed.

Enter applicable information in UAM profile for each self-service name management option. 

Away Message Away message can be edited and turned On or Off.

Away message can be edited and include:

  • Ability to set start/end date of vacation
  • Option to set Indefinite End Date
  • Privacy setting options for who receives away message

Green checkmark to indicate action needed.

Enter vacation information as applicable through UAM. 

Proxies  Individuals who can edit the information in your directory profile. Often used for calendar management and Away Message management.  Functionality is no longer available. 

Red X indicating no action needed.

No action needed. 


Last Updated: 
Monday, March 21, 2022